I want to make a LED strip working that when I press a key on the Piano, the LED there shine up. I have everything set up and the LED's are working (WS2812B) So i just have to find someone to help me "program" it I think? If anyone can help pls here! Thanks 😉
it is done by connecting controller to midi interface of your keyboard and then translating midi commands to addressable LED strip.
<@456538086453805068>If you cant answer the question, why continue? To propose to use another hardware isn't an answer! And your reasoning with Jumbo jet and cars is just so full of flaws.
no, it is not.
jumbo: fast, pricey, takes ages to start.
car: slower, cheap, starts instantly (compared to other option)
there is a BIG difference, if you get system running in 2s or 60.
there is BIG difference, if your system costs $5 or $200.
Yes the cost is zero for the Raspberry Pi that the OP has, you assume that the Raspberry Pi starts when the piano starts. And a Arduino is a steeper learning curve for someone that hasnt been programing before!
so you think he will powerup pi, wait 1-2 minutes for it to finish booting, then power up piano?
arduino is a steeper learning curve? Really? Just upload a binary?
if that person can manage to flash an SD card for pi, that person can manage to flash arduino.