Creating a "bad USB" with a Raspberry Pi Pico involves making the Pico act as a USB keyboard (a HID - Human Interface Device) that can send keystrokes to a computer when it's plugged in. These keystrokes can be programmed to perform any number of tasks. Before we proceed, it's important to understand that creating and using a "bad USB" can be illegal and unethical if used with malicious intent. Always get permission before running any scripts on a computer that isn't yours.
Here are the steps to create a "bad USB" using a Raspberry Pi Pico:
1. Install CircuitPython on your Pico: CircuitPython is a simplified version of Python that's designed to run on microcontrollers like the Pico. To install CircuitPython, download the .uf2 file for CircuitPython from the CircuitPython website and copy it to your Pico. The Pico will reboot and show up as a device named CIRCUITPY,
2. Add the adafruit_hid library: This library allows the Pico to act as a HID. Download the adafruit_hid library from the Adafruit CircuitPython Library Bundle.
3. Extract the downloaded file and copy the adafruit_hid directory to the lib directory on your Pico
4. Write your script: The script will define what keystrokes the Pico sends when it's plugged in. You can write the script in Python using the adafruit_hid library. Here's a simple example that types "Hello, World!" when the Pico is plugged in:
import time
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS
import usb_hid
kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(kbd)
layout.write("Hello, World!")
Save this script as in the root directory of your Pico,
5. Test your "bad USB": Safely eject your P