I wanted to run some experiments, so I decided to turn on my Pi, only to realise it stopped booting.
The ACT (green) LED doesn't turn on. Only the red LED is on, constantly.
I've been booting off USB for a very long time. I tried reflashing the OS, and tried booting it off on another Pi 4 B+ that I had and it works perfectly there. I've been using the 64-bit raspbian lite image (if this info helps)
I'm using an official Raspberry Pi power supply, so there's no issue with power as well.
3.3V and 5V are not shorted to ground, I've tested that too.
I've tried flashing the rpi-eeprom with an SD card for nothing to happen.
It does boot randomly once every 20-30 tries of power cycle, but shuts off in less than 10-20s from booting up.
I was hoping someone would help me figure out what is wrong with my Pi 4 B+ (2GB). Thanks!