Vulkan drivers installation fails

January 23, 2024, 05:35


Urgent??? This isn’t the typical I need help topic. If I can’t fix this I can’t use my raspberry pi. I’m not willing to reflash my micro se card a million times until it decides it want to work with me. So I was using PiKiss to install Vulkan Drivers on the Raspberry Pi 5. One small issue the two times I had to reflash my sd card and redo the process, it stopped the first time a random amount of time during either downloading or installing the drivers. The second time is when it would work, the issue is, the second time I rebooted then tried to install then it installed without issues, or so it seemed. I downloaded some Vulkan demos to test and they worked flawlessly. Cool right? WRONG 1. Some open/webgl websites that I tried had HORRIBLE fps. Just as a test I pulled screenshots from a prior flash of the sd card without all this Vulkan nonsense. 60fps on the website! After both of these 2nd Vulkan download attempts I would average 15-23fps. Something’s wrong!! I reboot and low and behold NO MORE GUI! 😑🤬🤬 Now I’m just mad. I knew the GUI was gone because I waited 15 minutes for it but the text cursor you usually see for a split second on boot was it here flashing. So I hold alt+F2 so I can use text mode. And when I tried to run the Vulkan program that ran not even 5 minutes ago shows the following image. Please help I’ve been troubleshooting for hours and now I’m actually getting to that point where tears are about to start rolling because I’ve wasted my entire day on this with no success! TLDR: how do I get VULKAN drivers installed with zero error?


Please only respond with questions or suggestions/answers. Sorry for the tone of a rant type of post but this just frustrates me so much!

To write in CAPS is considered as shouting! If you want to do a TLDR (To Long Didn't Read) post it in the beginning! And if you post pictures, learn to crop them as it is now, I won't even bother to look at it. At last to write big text blobs isn't going to get people to read it! Just some friendly advice.


yes, this post has all the information which I like but it isnt broken up or anything which doesn't help you. just for future advice: your more likely to get help if you break it up with titles and stuff and possibly bullet points.


anyway on to the help. run sudo apt check to check for any broken files


1. I didn’t crop because I can’t take screenshot and I didn’t know what information may have been important 2. I usually write with paragraphs but the thing is Discord was being slow and since I use mobile I decided I would write in the notes app and paste into discord but it broke formatting just like what happened when I tried the same thing on Reddit. Apologies for the CAPS I was very stressed


understandable, and the grey parts in the picture is what needs to be cropped