Trying to switch Operating Systems

February 4, 2024, 20:29


yo I am very confused, I tried to install a new OS but accidentally installed the iso onto my microsd card instead of my flash drive, so now I have the iso installed to both the flash drive and the microsd card, but it's not booting from either of them... it just keeps saying "Trying partition: 0" and then stopping. How can I fix this and install the OS I was trying to install?


it opens into the bootloader 30cc5f37 2024/1/05 but it's just stuck there. it detects the sd card, it detects my flash drive, but its booting from neither even though I used the Raspberry Pi Imager program to flash Debian onto them both


ok so i got PiOS working again, but is there a way to install CLI Debian?


Yes with the imager. Lite is the name of the version with CLI.

ISO files is commonly used with PC and MACs, images is commonly used with Raspberry pi. So when you omit the info about the iso I can only assume that you are using the wrong CPU architecture.