Rasberry pi pico W lesson 7

February 9, 2024, 01:52


as i did fellow this guy on youtube... everything i did but three of my green,yellow,red aren't turn on at all I am gonna other post of YouTube by guy that I fellow. Go to look my other post of in this.


You have got an solution already, why do you continue to post the same?


No that’s new lesson and I need help for it. Something wrong with three led was not turn on.


The current cannot flow because the LEDs have no contact with the resistors!


sigh is there anyhing way to sovle?


I don't understand the question... If you want to solve the problem, put the resistors in the right place so that the current can flow from the LED to the resistor.


which is the resistor to put right place?


All three!


i seee now




its work


thank you