pi zero 2w with v2 camera not detected

March 3, 2024, 18:44


I am a newbie to the pi zero 2 w. I need guidance and help to understand what I am doing wrong. I have connected the camera module 2 to the zero 2 w and cannot get it to detect or work. I have tried libcamera commands with no success. No camera detected. I am running 32bit legacy os bullseye as it was the recommended in rasp-pi imager. Also using the official pi case with supplied camera cable. Any advice would be appreciated. https://i.postimg.cc/sQnr0N1w/IMG-2486.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/GTHC0xyr/IMG-2487.jpg


Please add the commands you have tried


vcgencmd get_camera supported=0 detected=0 libcamera interfaces=0


libcamera-still returns no cammera


Yes, I have tried the troubleshooting. Used different camera cables and different power supplies with no luck


Then a DOA (Dead On Arival) is the only thing I can think of. If it cant be auto detected and you have tried different cables. So a warranty claim....