baremetal led binlink on rpi 0 w

April 19, 2024, 12:32


Hey everyone, i am trying to blink an LED on a GPIO using baremetal rpi 0 w I have been using the official BCM documentation and youtube tutorials, but I still struggle. Below are the links to the videos, my code and my setup


- - Here is my code / setup : I use, my script called bootstrap copy the content to the sd card that will be put to my rpi. and the cmake script to compile -


As you can see on picture, I use the GPIO PIN 21 (red wire).



I don't understnad what's wrong in my code. The LED is not lighting ON at all.


This will be because the cables do not have proper contact with the Pi. Simply plugging them in won't help, you would have to solder them firmly. Only then will a proper contact be established. The best thing to do is to get a pin header and solder it in place so that you can plug cables into it.


hey <@1187039958561726494> . Even, tho the setup is a bit sketchy. I don't think this is the pb, if i plug my wire to the pin at top left (which does continuous 3.3v output) the LED turns on correctly


Nevertheless, it may be that the contact is not there, of course if you keep it on you make sure that there is contact but the way it is there is not a sign that there is contact!