as the titles states, flashed circuit python to my pi pico, led blinks 4 times then nothing no usual mass storage drive opening and nothing on com ports, works fine on micropython however no dice on circuit python where i need the hid library lol
i think its a hardfault error???
Can you describe the steps you took to install circuit.
downloaded from adafruit page here
held bootsel while plugging the pico in then drag and drop the uf2 onto the pico in file explorer, finishes copying, seems to reboot and what above is where its at
also tried older 8.2.7 and 8.2.5 and same result
Do you have the Pi Pico or the Pi Pico w?
pico, dont got the w for fancy wifi and such
Have you tried resetting the Pico and then reinstalling the circuit?
yep, nuked the entire circuit install and reinstalled it mutiple time same result it seems, still no idea why it works with micro but not circuit, every time i'm reliably able to use micro without issue
when i first installed it on saturday it was working initaly however after 4 hours then the issue started to appear
So far here's what I've tried today
- nuking the circuit install multiple times
- tested on multiple machines on different architecture and cables to rule anything funky out
- flashed other feather rp2040 uf2 (at recommendation of a circuit python dev)
And all have failed other than being able to use the permanent brom that doesn't get nuked
Also found out that the 4 blinks are circuit booting up not a error however no drive mounts to be able to upload code
nuking it a few more times fixed it and now it works reliably