Raspberry Pi 5 to control 2 motors with H-bridge

May 17, 2024, 08:18


Hello everyone, I'm using a Raspberry Pi 5 for a school project to build a robot. One part of the project involves making the robot spin in place for a few seconds randomly. For this, I have 2 small 6V motors, a 6V battery, an L298n H-bridge, and a Raspberry Pi 5. The 2 motors are connected to the H-bridge at OUTPUT 1 and 2, and OUTPUT 3 and 4, respectively. The battery is connected to 12V for the positive and GND for the negative. For the other pins, EVA and EVB are connected to PIN 2 and 4 of the board (5V no PWM), IN1 with GPIO26, IN2 with GPIO27, IN3 with GPIO6, and IN4 with GPIO7. Here is the code used to test the motors: 'from gpiozero import Motor from time import sleep import random Motor configuration motor_left = Motor(forward=26, backward=27) motor_right = Motor(forward=5, backward=7) try: while True: # Random duration between 5 and 15 seconds spin_time = random.uniform(5, 15) print(f"The robot spins for {spin_time:.2f} seconds") # Spin the robot in place motor_left.forward() motor_right.backward() Wait for the random duration sleep(spin_time) Stop the robot motor_left.stop() motor_right.stop() Optional: Wait for a random duration between spins rest_time = random.uniform(1, 5) print(f"Resting for {rest_time:.2f} seconds") sleep(rest_time) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("User interrupted")' When this code is executed, it displays the prints correctly but the motors do not spin, and I can't figure out where the problem is coming from. If you have any ideas to fix the issue, I'd appreciate it! Thanks in advance!