Issue setting up my raspi5 to be able to access my shared folder on my windows 10 machine.
Ive tried posting the issue on multiple forums and none of the suggestions have made any difference. Note first time using one of these complete linux noob.
my code is;
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Main_Link,pass='q&yLC0es9a' //192.168.xxx.xxx/Remote_Access ~/Desktop/share
i proceed to get the following
Mount error(13): Permission denied
What ive tried:
Disabling windows firewall
Changing passwords/user
Making sure the folder is shared to everyone
Made sure i was discoverable on private network
Yes samba is installed
Yes cifs utils is installed
Ive also tried - sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Main_Link //192.168.xxx.xxx/Remote_Access ~/Desktop/share
And when prompted for the password there is no * symbols when i type in the password
At this stage im considering using windows arm as my OS becoz this is beyond frustrating.
Ive been able to set up RDP and this was the second task on my to-do list before i started really playing around.