## PiHole Requirements
Raspberry Pi OS installed and updated
- Check the FAQ section for how to install Raspberry Pi OS
Static IP (Optional but highly recommended)
- Check the FAQ section for static IP configuration
There is a difference between "Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye" and "Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm"
## PiHole Install
curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash
## PiHole Post Install
Configure PiHole "forwarder DNS", where should PiHole send DNS queries?
- http://<PiHole>/admin
Where <PiHole> is the hostname or IP address you have given your PiHole
Configure "PiHole" as DNS for the host OS.
## Clients/Devices
Configure "PiHole" as DNS for your devices (Computers, mobiles and such).
- Change it in your current DHCP server, probably your "home router".
- Disable your "home router" DHCP service and configure and activate the DHCP service in PiHole.
- Change it in your device OS manually (IMHO Not recommended).
Remember to force an update on all your devices, reboot or use command like:
- Linux:
sudo dhclient -r to release the IP adr. and then
sudo dhclient to require a IP address.
- Windows:
ipconfig /release and then
ipconfig /renew
## Test
Web test page:
If you test with other web pages remember that the web browser caches data and you need to force a reload of the web page in your browser, ex with ctrl + F5, but this varies between web browsers.