led matrix

May 30, 2024, 09:32


Hello, I want to build a little led matrix 6x8 but I don’t know what kind of pcb I have to use


Can I put them on that kind of board ?


That looks like the 8x8 LED matrix 1088xx. And yes you can use the lab board/bread board for connecting that. Check the marking on one of the short sides that tells you if it is a AS or BS version.


Do you have any other plan ? I'm a beginner, so I don't really understand the plan ^^' + I still really understand the resistor where to plug in <@796000224690307072>


Plan ? And if you are a beginner, start with a single LED not the matrix! And then get 4 LED and create a mini matrix 2x2 and learn how that work and then you can get started with the 8x8.


And your also aware of the fact that a Raspberry Pi cant drive a 8x8 LED matrix?


it's a project for school, we wanted to write things on the led matrix trough a local website, I can turn on a led but only with tutos : (


and I have the part about the led etc