I use a Raspi 5, 8GB RAM with active cooler starter kid. It arrived yesterday.
I installed the Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit & Retropie yesterday. Today, I couldn’t open RetroPie anymore, so I updated. The error messages I became was:
Error installing packages -the following packages have unmet decencies:
libsdl2-dev: hängt von: libsdl2.2.0(=2.26.3+1rpi) but 2.26.5+dfsg-1 is to be installed
I then installed the 2 packages manually.
sudo apt upgrade libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-dev
After the installation, I could open RetroPie again. I rebooted the raspi and after about one minute it froze completely. I rebooted the raspi again but the same problem occurred.