So from what I understand, the connection between K3 and K4, then K6 and K7 need to be “shorted” in order to trigger both gates to open.
Now because the accessories run on 24V I need a 24v relay hat for each gate motor if i want to open both, right? And if I want to use the GPIO of a Pi Pico W to control this, I need to get a relay hat that has two channels and can be switched by a low voltage?
I found this one on eBay that I thought might work: (24v 2 channel option)
Once i have this set up I’ll need to find or make an integration for home assistant that can send an api request to the pi that will then trigger the relay through GPIO causing the gates to open.
I made this basic diagram to describe how I think it would be wired, but simplified to one gate, for two gates I assume I just duplicate the relay and connections.