Running LibreOffice Writer on Raspi OS Lite (32 bit)

November 7, 2024, 16:46


Hey all! I’m getting the issue « Failed to open display » after trying to run using libreoffice —writer in the terminal. I’m using a Raspberry Pi Zero W connected to a 1080p computer monitor via micro HDMI. Running Raspi OS Lite 32 bit, not using SSH. I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact I’m trying to run a graphical program from the terminal, but I can’t figure out a solution without using a desktop interface. Anyone has a solution?

You are trying to run a graphical program in a text interface?! Thats not possible.

Oops now I remember you can for example convert documents from a text terminal.


Thanks for the reply! That’s what I thought, but is there a way to run LibreOffice without having to download the full desktop environment? Ideally all I want is to login and then boot Office Writer…


Your question is like "can I watch TV programs on the radio?"


Thanks then! Here’s the solution that worked for me : 1. Install X Window sudo apt install xorg 2.Install Window Manager/Minimal X sudo apt install xorg openbox 3. Create a .xinitrc File : nano ~/.xinitrc 4. Add following lines to the file and save exec openbox & libreoffice —writer 5.Set Permissions chmod +x ~/.xinitrc Now it works! Now run : startx and LibreOffice writer is working nicely!


I don’t know if that’s cheating but hey, got to my goal.


No no cheating, just the most minimal interface you can have, I think. I don't know if it can be any more minimal.

As I told you, you need a graphical interface and now you have installed it.👍

gek5530 could you help me with something