Raspberry and camera

December 12, 2024, 16:23


I have a problem with the Raspberry Pi Zero 2W. The Zero 2W is connected to the Raspberry Pi AI camera. When I enter the command in the console: 'rpcam-hello -t 100000', what should I do to fix this? In the config, I don't have the camera option.


Read https://discord.com/channels/818384379197784084/1189386838788542464 on how to post formated text. And as a visualy impaired I cant read pictures, so please post text as text.


INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU.

[WARN:[email protected]] global cap_v4l.cpp:1136 tryIoctl VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video0): select() tim eout.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/home/dron/Projekt/Simple-Hand-Tracker.py", line 27, in <module>

frame1 = cv2.resize(frame, (640, 480))

cv2.error: OpenCV (4.10.0) /io/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp:4152: error: (-215: As

sertion failed) Issize.empty() in function 'resize'


You forgot to read the URL!