SD cards is design to be used in use cases where you have large files (Example Photo/Videos) and they will stay on the SD card for a long period.
When a SD card is used in a Raspberry as a storage media it will store small and big files and some files (log files, Swap file) will change a lot.
A SD card has a limited number of write operation that a "cell" can do before it fails, To prevent that a SD card fails due to a damaged cell there is a pool of reserve cells that can be used instead of a failed cell.
Andreas Spiess
, a Swiss YouTuber have done some excellent videos on this topic.
#141 SD Card Test with Raspberry Pi 3 (Clones and Originals)
#489 Simple Trick to protect your Raspberry SD card from Crashing
#312 Boot a Raspberry Pi4 with an SSD to make it reliable and fast