[SOLVED] Problems with KMS Resolution

January 21, 2025, 20:46


Hey People, I reach out to you cause I currently try to set up my Raspberry Pi 5 Currently it's running with Dietpi installed and after boot you either can boot into LXQt Desktop Environment or Emulationstation. However after a recent update the resolution got changed to "3840 x 2160" Pixels and I can't seem to fix that. Previously I definetly used the "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" setting but when I try to activate that in dietpi-config it stays on 4k anyways. Also if I start the Desktop environment there the default res is set to 4k as well and while emulationstation itself runs on fullscreen on startup all the games will run in 4K Resolution as well (leading to them running just in the top left corner just like the terminal) on my FHD Display (kinda odd sigh) Now I hope you guys have any suggestions how to fix this Edit: By now I think it might have something to do with the EDID setting of the Elgato HD60 S+ I've plugged between my Pi and my Monitor which max. Resolution seems to be 4k. Seems like I need a solution to force EDID to be 1920x1080p only


Could now solve it by changing the Resolution (EDID) in the Elgato 4k Caption Utility Software to the Monitors (native FHD) Resolution 🙂


Okay thanks for giving the answer, I was looking in the config docs and there just isn't enough information on it in general