May 5, 2024, 19:38

installations are just never succesful ig

I have this rasberry pi 4 and i was trying for a month day by day to install the software correctly, now 7 months later i found it and i am thinking that these 70 bucks i have for it shouldnt go to waste. Plus it will be a good upgrade for my 3d printer
May 5, 2024, 19:03 install problem

I used "curl -sL | sudo bash -s -" and then, result was - installation FAILED, FAILED, FAILED . Can someone help?
May 5, 2024, 17:52

Raspberry pi 5 fails booting with raspbian

I should mention that it randomly succeeded booting once, and I could use SSH to view some files. But after doing startx, I got a permission error, and then the raspberry pi shut down (crashed?)
May 5, 2024, 14:29

Raspberry 4 not responding.

I will try to explain the best as i can. this only happens when my minecraft server is running. ( 1.20.4 paper) In the minecraft i got timed out and in the prompt of the server it just freezed. i am connecting to my rasp by ssh in the same network and when it "freezes" i cant login into it. Although when i ping the rasp it seems to work fine. I dont really know what to do. I tried changing the charger of the raspberry (i use the official) because i tought it was a voltage problem or something but it didnt work. If something wasnt clear pls tell me.
May 5, 2024, 13:54

Calculator using pi

May 5, 2024, 13:49

Using a different screen from the tutorial for a pi zero 2 emulator

I tried to follow this "tutorial" : , but had to replace the Adafruit display with a Waveshare display. The driver is the same so I thought it would be the same. The original post on thingiverse isn't detailed at all so I followed this tutorial , which can be summed up with this txt file What do I have to change ? I finished the software part but now I couldn't even get an output over the HDMI anymore and the screen isn't lighting up.
May 5, 2024, 04:47

How do I fix a slow mouse cursor? [Raspberry Pi 5]

I'm running Android AOSP (Android 14) on my Pi 5 (4 GB), but whenever I use my wireless mouse, the mouse cursor feels so slow and laggy. One solution someone told me was to type " sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt " into the terminal and add " usbhid.mousepoll=0 ", but there is no "terminal" app I can find. How do I get to a command line from here?
May 5, 2024, 01:31

USB flight stick (gladiator nxt) to RC (Jumper t-lite elrs)

Im looking to try to use my flight stick to control some rc planes with fpv. so far I have found this. "A python script for Raspberry Pi that reads a USB joystick (with pygame) and outputs a PPM signal to RC transmitter (with pigpio)." I don't have a lot of experience with python or using a pi. What exactly would I need to get started with this project in addition to the pi. Or what would be helpful to have. Not exactly sure where to start any help is greatly appreciated!
May 4, 2024, 23:50

Raspberry Pi 5 with official 7in Touch screen, screen will not power on

Hello, I have a new Raspberry Pi 5 with 4 GB of ram,with an official Raspberry Pi 7inch touch screen. I have followed the instructions here I cannot get the screen to even power on. I even used just the 5v and ground gpio pins only. I even unplug all 4 gpio pins when I read the raspberry Pi 5 only needed the 5v and ground. Then I tried to power on the screen with a micro USB cable using a 3 amp ac adapter. I have checked YouTube, Google, this discord help and facts section. I have the video ribbon plugged into camera/display 0. I tried booting LineagOS 21 /Android 14 from usb and edited my boot config.txt and uncommented the part for USB boot. Tried the SD card with 64bit Raspberry Pi OS and still no luck. I typed this all and while checking in on another app lost my post and had to retype all this. Any help would be appreciated. At this point I think the screen may be defective.
May 4, 2024, 05:00

camera not working

Tried: sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade sudo apt-get install --reinstall raspberrypi-bootloader raspberrypi-kernel sudo modprobe bcm2835_v4l2 The camera I’m using is brand new out of the box, and my older camera doesn’t work either. The modprobe command doesn’t load any kernel files (I forgot what it was called) and libcamera-hello says there’s no cameras connected. Would appreciate any help.
May 3, 2024, 23:29

camera not working properly

using im getting this error in the photos my config file is set to the correct camera but lib camera is not. if i open up my rasp rover interface i can see the camera fine but its coming in at 480p which is blurry
May 3, 2024, 22:31

library installation in seperate environment does not work

Hello guys, I currently got the problem that I can not really install the "mysql-connector-python" library. Its only possible when I go to a separated environment and use pip... But when I'm back to the code then, some other librarys I installed previously cant be found anymore... So all the depending import lines are underlined in yellow... Especially the "import RPi.GPIO" can't be fixed. Im quite new to Linux, python and Raspberry, so maybe tehre are some things I don't know and someone else could help me please?
May 3, 2024, 18:53

Voici assistant

I have a voice assistant that has activated. how to disable it please.
May 3, 2024, 14:03

Volumio On raspberry Pi 2B

I got this error 'mount /dev/mmcblk0p3 on /mnt/ext failed invalid argurment' when I installed volumio on my pi and i dont know why. If i install it again it boots up and gets to the volumio statring screen and goed black i. the only thing i have plugged in is a wifi-adapter.
May 3, 2024, 12:24

Cant conntect to Hotspot hosted on Raspi

I currenty try to make a project with a Raspberry Pi4 and a Couple of Esp32's. My goal is to host a Wifi network on the Raspi and have the Esp32's connect to it. I got as far as creating the Hotspot and so on. I have it configured to be on the 2.4 gHz Band and WPA/ WPA2/ WPA3 Personal Security. My Esp32 is able to see the network, but cannot connect to it and I dont know why and how I should fix it. I am able to make a Hotspot over my Phone and run it that way but that is not really what I want. I know this is not purely a Raspberry issue but I am really down I have tried everything. Even hosting a netwok over raspap but when i install raspap on the Raspberry i get another error Light DM doesnt start anymore. I think if I get raspap to work then it could be possible to connect but I dont know how.
May 2, 2024, 19:04

can't access to a html page with my iPhone

With a raspberry pi pico W I made a html page where I can see the temperature and humidity thanks to a DTH22. I can't access to this page with an iPhone but with an android and a pc it work. Do you know why ?
May 2, 2024, 16:31

ili9341 as a display for pi 5

I found this( driver on github but it doesn't support pi 5 due to some changes on pi 5 can anyone help ? btw my ili9341 has touch support so if there is a way with touch support that would be nice thanks
May 2, 2024, 11:02

Recorded video have 10 fps. RPi 5 - 2 camera V3 Wide Angle - Picamera2

Hi everyone ! I have a project in which I have 2 wide angle cameras connected on a RPi 5. For context, I work in animal cognition and we have monkey that have free access to touchscreen, the goal of this project is to start filming when they start playing on the screen and stop when they are finished. Since the aim is to an automated tracking of their hand on the touchscreen, I need to have video with a decent fps (50 fps would be great). However everytime I record a video via this code (see below) it results in 2 videos of 11 fps. I tried a lot of thing that I saw on the forums to change the fps but none seems to work, the only thing that ables me to control the fps is to create the video via the cmd but this way is not viable for I want to do 😦
May 2, 2024, 11:00

Install Adguard for a beginner

hello everyone, I came to this server because I need help, I just bought a Raspberry Pi for the first time and I wanted to put adguard but I don't understand everything I can't do it run my ssh. Does anyone want to help me? I follow this tutorial I can't find videos on YouTube that explain it for a beginner
class='img rounded m-1' src='/assets/assets/1235546442198945872.webp'>
May 2, 2024, 10:19

I pulled out a hard drive from an old laptop. How should i power this ?

I pulled out a hard drive rated at 5 volts and 0.55 amps from an old laptop. Can the USB port on the raspberry pi 4 power this such that i only need a sata to usb adapter, or will i need to buy one with its own power supply ?
May 2, 2024, 04:10

Need help to install "vmware horizon client" on raspberry pi 4

Hi, I'm planning to install vmware horizon client on my raspberry, but the problem is that the linux version is AMD64, and my raspberry is ARM. How can I install vmware?
May 2, 2024, 03:21

how do i install gpio drivers on emteria?

My touchscreen is just white
May 1, 2024, 17:29

Problems with webmin

It installs fine and I'm able to access it through port 10000, asks for user and pass. Can log in and see the dashboard, but it just loads. There's a red bare on the top of the site that just goes back and forth. Reinstalled several times. Anybody got a clue?
May 1, 2024, 14:59

Human detection via camera module 3

Hi, I use raspberry pi 4 module b, and cameru module 3 via SSH. My task is person detection, not person recognition. My script doesn't quite work well because it doesn't always detect the person. And when it does, it detects not the whole character, but only part of the person. Could you take a look at my script and find out what I have wrong, or what I should add ?
May 1, 2024, 06:29

Need help with WiFi

Do MainsailOS have drivers for your WiFi dongle?
April 30, 2024, 21:10


I have a raspi 4b and a raspi camera module v2, when I run vcgencmd get_camera I get Supported=0 Detected=0 Libcamera interface=0. What can I do so that it gets detected? U did update everything and when I run libcamera-hello, it works but it the system can't detect it.
April 30, 2024, 18:34

drivers for 3.5in waveshare spi lcd on rpi zero

hello people, i tried following the instructions on waveshare's websites and youtube tutorials, but i just cant get the display to work. always a white screen. heres a link to the waveshares wiki: btw, im using retropie but I tried doing the same on rpi os and still not working
April 30, 2024, 18:17

reading value from GPIO 2 & 3 pi4

Hi, I've connected these two products to GPIO 2 and 3 as shown in the product diagram of the second link. How can I read the value of GPIO 2and 3 to determine if the geiger counter has beeped or not?
April 30, 2024, 12:22

Is it possible for a raspberry pi pico W to become a client and a server using multithreading?

I want to run a webserver on the rpi pico W that can accept button presses from clients (browsers) to change some state variables and then act as a client to transmit this state data to a server running on another device. Is this possible using multithreading or will this cause issues with the networking hardware as it may be a limited resource? I would preferrably like to use micropython instead of the pico-sdk for C/C++ as I'm running short on time for this project
April 30, 2024, 09:40

Help with on deploying a roboflow dataset for a Pi 4 to run it locally.

Hello! I want to request some help on how I can try to run this dataset from roboflow, on my Pi 4 , 4GB vers. I am currently trying to make a smart autogate system using a Pi 4 and a USB Camera to detect and recognize license plates, for then it will reference a local database and if the plates match, then a signal will be sent out through the GPIO pins to trigger an autogate or like a relay for example. Thank you for your help in advance!