April 19, 2024, 13:07

Does anyone how to setup retro pie for pi5?

i've set up retro pie on my pi3 and everything went well. I followed this guide all went good got through that but the issue is that it isn't making the files when i plug inn a usb.
April 19, 2024, 12:32

baremetal led binlink on rpi 0 w

Hey everyone, i am trying to blink an LED on a GPIO using baremetal rpi 0 w I have been using the official BCM documentation and youtube tutorials, but I still struggle. Below are the links to the videos, my code and my setup
April 19, 2024, 06:22

I need GUI toolkit for commerical production with video and web embbeded support

Like title says i need a gui toolkit for raspberry pi 4. It needs to be free licensed. I am planning on runing videos, fetch from web (like weather status) and maybe show things like twitter feed in web embbeded. I have tried flutter-pi but playing videos there didn't really worked. I'm open to any suggestion. Thank you in advance!
April 19, 2024, 02:28

Need consultation

Looking to use an rfid reader to open and close a few 12v relays as well as a small screen to say (welcome your name here) and such. i have no idea how to use an arduino but im looking to get into it
April 18, 2024, 16:53

project: press a button and text pops up on the terminal

Hello. This is a project I’m doing with a breadboard and a simple button. I’m using the free nova kit and extra tactical push. Goal: if I press a button on the breadboard, text will pop up on the python program. I’ve been looking for tutorials on how to do this and I can’t find anything specific. Any recourses will be appreciated.
April 18, 2024, 14:44

motor urgent help

So i set up my pi 4b, with my monitor and I connected it to a PCA9685 . I have 6motors but wanted to test only of them and i couldn’t figure it out. I have a 5V adapter for the pi and a 12v 5A adapter for the PCA9685 that will attach all of my motors. The max stall current on my motors is 2.3 A at 7.4 V. Ive also thoroughly checked all my connections as well as confirm that I2C connection was being read by my pi. Does anyone know what else i could do?
April 18, 2024, 07:42

Connect multiple SATA HDD to a RPI 5

I'm looking for ossible options to connect 4-10 SATA HDD's to my pi, preferrably energy efficient. So far, I have tried external USB enclosures that are connected via USB3, but they all seem to draw more power then the RPI itself. Now, I was thinking of connecting my Pi directly to the PSU of an ATX case I have and connect the HDD's via the PSU's SATA-power connectors. The only thing left is connecting the data-sata cables to the pi. One option would be an nvme hat and one of these . Does anyone have experience with this?
April 18, 2024, 06:03

Running a Winforms App

Hey everyone, I'm currently working on a project that requires porting a winforms app to a Raspberry Pi 3 A+. I've tried mono, wine, and even Windows IOT so far to no avail. Is this actually possible to do or should I just rewrite my program? Thanks in advance.
April 17, 2024, 08:39

Ethernet soldering pcb

For a project I want to directly connect ethernet wires to the pcb of my switch by soldering them on. However I have no idea which color should go where. When I connect a multi meter to one pin on the inside of the rj45 jack, multiple of the ‘soldered’ connectors make a beep sound. Is there any documentation/guides about this? I can’t find anything
April 16, 2024, 19:46

Work project, trying to figure out what steps to take

I took a new job for an agricultural company, but something unexpected came up that they want to develop. I'm trying to figure out if I need a Pi, and if so, the best steps to take to see the project to fruition. In agriculture, there's big silos that store grain. People have developed expensive systems to monitor that grain through large cables secured inside the bin. The cables are built of a string of sensors that measure temperature and moisture. The first picture is an example of the cable. Inside that green shroud, is a wire with these sensors on it every 4 feet. Each sensor has it's own serial number, and returns information regarding moisture and temperature. They are read through an app for diagnostic purposes - pictured in image 3, or are relayed every 66 minutes via cellular data to a cloud service that lets a customer read the data on the website or phone app. Those cables (sometimes a single cable, sometimes up to 6 or 8 daisy chained together depending on the size of the silo) connect to the board in the last image. That board has a two pin output that plugs into a device (image 5) you connect to via bluetooth on your phone that lets you see the information from the cables. The purpose of the system is to set a temperature and moisture range, and the system warns you if the grain falls outside those parameters. What my boss wants is a simpler system. One that runs off an Arduino or Raspberry Pi, that constantly monitors the temperature/moisture signals, but is connected to three LED lights to give a visual indication of the condition of the grain. Green means OK, Yellow means rising/danger, Red means check the grain. So basically the simple system would be Sensor cables > Raspberry Pi > Lights. Temperature and moisture range would be programmed via a bluetooth connection on a phone app. What I'm wondering, is where do I start with this? Arduino or Pi? Maybe online resources that would give me a crash course. Thanks for any input or help!

April 16, 2024, 14:18

pivpn and decrypted key

My brother is trying to connect his Ubuquiti Dream Machine to my vpn box. Openvpn. But it says that it needs decrypted key. I have googled for hours, but I can't find any easy way to do it. Can anybody help?
April 16, 2024, 12:59

mpr121 interfacing with pico

so im trying to interface 2 mpr121 sensors to my pi pico and when i try to assign it a different address by connecting addr to SDA it results in giving me a bunch of devices(only has one connected) and on SCL i get no devices found and when i try it by connecting ADDR to VCC the pico heats up and stops working almost instantly also its been annoying how my pico keeps disconnecting alot and me having to do the whole press and hold bootsel and replug every few mins
April 16, 2024, 03:46

pi400 hyperpixel installs et cetera.

So as of last night, the images supplied by raspberrypi imager for the 64bit are broken apparently. Imagery is failing to config user, hostname, ssh, wifi, regional settings like keyboard, wifi region, etc. Also, the config.txt install for pimoroni screens and some other displays are now broken. Was this accidental or on purpose? And does anyone know if raspi' has previous versions posted anywhere so that I can pull down something pre-break before it's gone?
April 15, 2024, 14:10

Is a Pi Zero 2W enough for my project?

Hello, I want do build a device with a display on which some stats (for example current speed and more) are shown for a car driver, is a Pi Zero 2W enough to power a display, some sensor modules (f.e. gps module, temperature sensor) and let a small code run on it?
April 15, 2024, 13:10

help create a aim assist for PlayStation 4

i have the issue that my mouse dont move correctly to enemy on my Playstation 4 using arduino Leonardo #
April 14, 2024, 18:36

NodeJS site on a Raspberry Pi 5

I have a Raspberry pi 4 and 5. I ran my site on my pi 4, github: everything ran fine, no problem at all. I use pm2 so i can access it with local ip I did the exact same on my raspberry pi 5 and the website loads once and when trying to reconnect it just doesnt work. I will link a video. I also tried using ubuntu server instead of debian. Same result. Keep in mind when using localhost the website works fine on my pi 5, just not when using something like nginx or pm2 to be able to connect it outside of the device. in the first video it is running on my raspberry pi 5, not working. in the second video is another server running Ubuntu Server, did the exact same yet it works on this server but not on a raspberry pi 5. (Yes, you can know the public ip i will probably delete the server anyways)

Warning: Undefined array key "author" in /var/www/html/index.php on line 102

Deprecated: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /var/www/html/index.php on line 102
April 14, 2024, 14:58

wireguard container trouble

can anyone see whats wrong with this wireguard docker-compose.yml file?
version: "2.1"
    container_name: wireguard
      - NET_ADMIN
      #- SYS_MODULE #optional
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/London
      #- SERVERPORT=51820 #optional
      - PEERS=3 #optional
      #- PEERDNS= #optional
      #- INTERNAL_SUBNET= #optional
      #- ALLOWEDIPS= #optional
      - LOG_CONFS=true #optional
      - /root/dockerdata/wg:/config
      #- /lib/modules:/lib/modules #optional
      - 51820:51820/udp
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
    restart: always
      - mainnet
    external: true
i can succesfully connect but it doesnt give me internet access and im using duckdns. this is the docker-compose file for that
    container_name: dynamic-dns
    image: joweisberg/dynamic-dns:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - USER=not tellin
      - PASSWORD=not tellin
      - SERVICE=duckdns
      - HOSTNAME=""
      - DETECTIP=1
      - INTERVAL=10
this is on my raspberry pi 5 running raspberry pi os.
April 14, 2024, 01:06

realvnc icon not showing

Hi I am using a raspberry pi 4 and there isn't a real vnc icon, even after enabling vnc and restarting
April 13, 2024, 21:11

Can i setup a server on raspberry pi pico?

I'm thinking about buying a Raspberry Pi Pico W, my intentions are to make a website that my girlfriend can access and a minecraft server i could play with her on. Its nothing serious, also I have very basic knowledge on the topic, please let me know if it is possible and if I would need anything other than Raspberry Pi Pico W, my computer and my wifi to run the 2 servers. Thank you for help.
April 13, 2024, 20:53

Control Pi Pico with SMS text

Hi all, as the title suggests, has anyone managed to control a pico with an SMS message? If so what’s needed?
April 13, 2024, 19:02

help finishing cyberdeck

Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong. When it is connected to the breakout frenovo board it won't turn on but when I disconnect it. It does turn on I'm so confused

April 13, 2024, 18:17

did I break my breadboard/ rasberry pi?

So I had this setup and it wasn’t working. I realized that the part that connects the wire to my my rasberry pi wasn’t in so I pushed it in while it was on by accident. Then the lightbulb lit up but it wasn’t blinking. The next time I turned it on the light bulb lit up but there wasn’t any code running. Now the lightbulb is not turning on at all Did I break my breadboard? I’m extremely new to this
April 13, 2024, 13:11

Libcamera module not deteced

(CURRENT ISSUE STATED IN MESSAGES)I cannot enable the camera under interface and the vcgencmd get camera command says it isn't detected, but if I run the command libcamera-jpeg -o test.jpg it will take a photo. Does anyone know why this is happening
April 13, 2024, 13:09

Mesen 2 emulator

I was wondering if there was a way to use the Messen 2 emulator on a raspberry pi for very specific graphical updates like Metroid HD Also which raspberry pi would be able to run it if any
April 13, 2024, 06:55

set vnc resolution to 1920x1080 using a touch screen lcd

after losing everything due to an sd card failure i rebuilt my rpi (with the 7" touchscreen monitor). everything works fine except that when i connect via vnc i see a really small resolution of 800x480 which i guess is the screens resolution. How can I have it to use 1080p or / 4k when connecting to it via vnc ? I tried raspi-config but it didnt work. thank you

April 13, 2024, 00:24

Raspberry pi pico WH wireless controller

I am planning to create a rudimentary wireless controller using a pico WH with 3 buttons, a switch, a thumbstick and a rgb screen. I'm completely new to microcontrollers and whatnot, I am doing this for a college project and I plan to create a tekken clone in unity for the controller inputs to work in. How feasible is this controller idea and should I just quit while I'm ahead or is it something which can be done with relatively little jankyness?
April 12, 2024, 23:13

"over_voltage_delta" doing nothing on Pi 5?

I am trying to increase voltage to the Pi5 so i can overclock further (stuck at 2.82 ghz). But no matter how much I increase over_voltage_delta in /boot/firmware/config.txt, the Pi never gets any hotter. It stays WELL below 75 celsius at pretty much all times, and NEVER reports any throttling with vcgencmd get_throttled. I'm not convinced that the it's actually increasing the voltage. It's possible (though very unlikely imo) that my active cooler is doing a REALLY good job at cooling the Pi. What can I do to ensure that it's working and I'm actually increasing voltage to the pi?
April 12, 2024, 22:14

E: unable to locate package SpeechRecognition

i've tried so many times to install the speech recognition module to python and every time i get a different error, this time it's the one in the title- how do i fix this?
April 12, 2024, 21:31

raspi 2 w giving libEGL error

On running
libcamera-jpeg -o test.jpg
I get the error below libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate Made X/EGL preview window [0:02:28.403197238] [1191] INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:297 libcamera v0.0.5+83-bde9b04f ERROR: no cameras available