March 31, 2024, 19:24

how come the older gen Raspberry pi model 2b has a problem with hdmi or booting problems?

its also a bit of a pain when the kano help disappears on the web as its a was an original kano computer kit has anyone experienced this? when i put the kano os onto the microsd and then put it in and power it why does the it: A. have a problem with booting B. no output is happening nor input as its difficult to see C. both the red and green light are on indicating its working yet its not
March 31, 2024, 15:48

RPi5 Not booting or checking SD/USB drive

I have a brand new RPi5, I installed Raspian on a USB drive, booted up, connected via ssh, and ran apt upgrade. It crashed during the upgrade, and now does absolutly nothing when plugged in. All I get is a solid red light. I have tried different images on both USB and SD, pressing the button does nothing. I assume the bootloader got messed up, since it doesn't even check the USB or SD card, and displays nothing on the hdmi out. How can I fix the bootloader if it doesn't access the attached drives?
March 31, 2024, 09:54

raspberry pi 5 convert rpi.GPIO code to gpiod

i've got this example code
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

pins = [18, 23, 24]

pin_led_states = [
  [1, 0, -1], # A
  [0, 1, -1], # B
  [-1, 1, 0], # C
  [-1, 0, 1], # D
  [1, -1, 0], # E
  [0, -1, 1]  # F


def set_pin(pin_index, pin_state):
    if pin_state == -1:
        GPIO.setup(pins[pin_index], GPIO.IN)
        GPIO.setup(pins[pin_index], GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.output(pins[pin_index], pin_state)

def light_led(led_number):
    for pin_index, pin_state in enumerate(pin_led_states[led_number]):
        set_pin(pin_index, pin_state)

set_pin(0, -1)
set_pin(1, -1)
set_pin(2, -1)

while True:
    x = int(input("Pin (0 to 5):"))
and i would like someone who understands better than me to help convert it to gpiod the gpiod documantation is a mess. Your help will be appreciated!
March 30, 2024, 18:25

How to spoof the raspberry pi pico w

don't know how to do this things: Change all vid & pid values to the same as your mouse Change 'build.usb_manufacturer' and 'build.usb_product' to your mouse's manufacturer and name Locate \AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\rp2040\hardware\rp2040\3.6.0\cores\rp2040\RP2040USB.cpp CTRL-F 'if (USBInstallMouse || USBInstallAbsoluteMouse)' Change 0x4000 to 0x0000 in the if statement
March 30, 2024, 17:13

Pi 5 with a usb-connected IDE HDD doesnt boot [FIXED]

Hey guys, my pi5 doesnt boot from a IDE HDD connected to the usb while it can boot from an sd-card. Can anyone help me figure out what the problem is? Thanks!
March 28, 2024, 22:47

Pi CM4 with buggy integrated screen

Hi, i recently got a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 with an integrated 5" 720p touch screen (The reterminal from seeed, https://www.gotronic.fr/art-reterminal-5-cm4104032-34217.htm), and when it is powered, it does a weird visual bug, except for the little left area of the screen, which is not buggy, does this already happened to you ? Could it be the cables or something like that which are not properly connected ? I correctly install the driver for the display, and when i connect it to an external monitor via the HDMI port, it doesn't do the bug, so it's well the integrated screen which has a problem
March 28, 2024, 21:44

Mobile Display for 2 Websites

Hi all I have searched quite a bit and think this should be feasible, but maybe somebody has good suggestions on the specific hardware I should get. I would like to achieve the follwing: a mobile, battery operated, rasberry zero powered device with a nice display, with a gsm card, that has a kiosk style OS that always shows the 2 same websites side by side, and the pages should autorefresh. I'm thinking raspberry pi , original display with display case, gsm module, power bank, some kiosk style OS (or the standard OS?), i guess this should work out, right? thanks a bunch!
March 28, 2024, 20:53

meta-generating error

Hi, Sorry for the trouble, but I would highly appreciate if you could resolve this issue. So it all started when I just set up my raspi, and I also had a camera module, so I tried to test it using this repo: https://github.com/washieuanan/Raspberry-Pi-Emotion-Recognition. However, after the kind help of one of the mods, we seemed to be getting this issue: "metadata-generation-failed", we tried a reboot and everything but it still won't work. This was after using a venv because, when we ran the command pip install -r requirements.txt, we got the following error:. I would really appreciate help because this is urgent. Thanks!!

March 28, 2024, 20:07

Speeding up refresh rate of raspberry pi 3'5 inch LCD display (GPIO controlled)

the FPS of my new touchscreen display is very low. Refreshes very slow at like 2 fps. I'm wondering if i can somehow speed this up. Even an increase of 3 fps could help. The drivers are pretty old I'm guessing - https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show Not sure what the brand or company is, I bought it straight from the Chinese manufacturer.
March 28, 2024, 19:20

RPi 3B Slow & JavaScript heap issues

Hey guys, I'm trying to serve an angular application using nginx on my RPi 3B (not 3B+, the title is incorrect), but I haven't even passed installing a simple angular application, as using npm install causes the entire thing to freeze (and i need to restart it by unplugging). Every time i get issues such as: FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory or INFO: task kworker/1:0:1273 blocked for more than 120 seconds (or 240 etc) And the commands such as ng serve, ng build are incredibly slow. Is there anything I can do? I am running the latest Ubuntu Server 64x LTS, installed node v20 and cloned a github repo, the rest is all still fresh.
March 28, 2024, 19:17

Camera memory repeated problem

So when I run a stream function (seen below), my camera starts a stream and all is good. BUT after running it a few times a day and after a couple of days it stops working and I get this error code: mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1:ENOMEM) mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/picamera/camera.py", line 456, in _init_camera self._camera = mo.MMALCamera() File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/picamera/mmalobj.py", line 2279, in init super(MMALCamera, self).init() File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/picamera/mmalobj.py", line 631, in init mmal_check( File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/picamera/exc.py", line 184, in mmal_check raise PiCameraMMALError(status, prefix) picamera.exc.PiCameraMMALError: Failed to create MMAL component b'vc.ril.camera': Out of memory After allocating more memory to the GPU the script runs as espected again BUT after a few days it happens again! Why is this and how do i fix it? Rebooting does nothing. def main(): StreamProps = ps.StreamProps StreamProps.set_Page(StreamProps,HTML) address = (raspberry_ip, port) StreamProps.set_Mode(StreamProps,'picamera') with picamera.PiCamera(resolution='640x480', framerate=30) as camera: output = ps.StreamOut() StreamProps.set_Output(StreamProps,output) camera.rotation = 0 camera.start_recording(output, format='mjpeg') try: server = ps.Streamer(address, StreamProps) print('Server started at','http://'+address[0]+':'+str(address[1])) server.serve_forever() finally: camera.stop_recording()
March 27, 2024, 22:48

Pico ducky breaks after nuking the pico

My raspberry pi pico ducky doesnt execute payloads after nuking it does anyone know a fix Like i nuked it then when i installed circuitpython and picoducky it doesnt execute payloads anymore
March 27, 2024, 20:30

Sizzle when powering

Hello, I am recently trying to power my RPI 4 with a buck converter, going from 24v to 5.1v. When i plug the power supply from RPI there is no sound and every LEDs are flashing correctly. When i use my USB C cable from my buck converter to the PI there is a little sizzle noise comming from the USB C port. All LEDs are also flashing correctly https://i.imgur.com/8m5yV08.png
March 27, 2024, 14:02


Hi, I'm having an issue with communication between two HC-05 modules. One module is set as the master to send data from a Raspberry Pi Pico, to which a joystick is connected. The data is sent via Bluetooth and received by the second HC-05 module set as a slave, connected to a Raspberry Pi 4. After a few seconds, I encounter this error. What could it be? How can I resolve it?video
March 27, 2024, 13:46

Rpi Smart clock

Hey guys I want to make a Raspberry pi smart clock which has facial expressions and stuff by using a LED I want to use audio and microphone modules instead of just plug and use microphone and speakers could anyone help me list out the parts for this and how i can get it all together?
March 27, 2024, 13:23

How to hide the cursor (unclutter doesn't work)

Hey 👋 i'm a beginner and i am making a simple kiosk dashboard and i want to hide or disable the mouse cursor. On Rasbian 64bit (i downloaded via the imager very recently) i open chrome on startup in kiosk mode with my website. But the mouse is still visible and it also is hovering some elements on the page. A lot of online resources like [this one](<https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=234879>) use package called unclutter. But if i open terminal and run unclutter -idle 0 and leave the mouse idling, it never gets hidden. I'm mainly asking here to check if unclutter does work as expected or if i just use it incorrectly. I read somewhere that this could have stopped working due to newer version of the graphical interface. And also i haven't found any posts from 2023+ regarding usage of the unclutter package in connection with RPI and hiding the cursor.. Any ideas what should i try next? I also added somewhere "-nocursor" parram, i presume that was a cfg for the graphical interface. But that didn't disable the mouse, nor did disconnecting the mouse from the USB. I'm really unsure what to search for since all results are around 2019 using unclutter. Any directions, hints and advice is welcomed :)
March 27, 2024, 07:36

raspberry pi 5 speaker problem

Hello, I'm using Raspberry Pi 5 8gb version for a project. For a text to speech app, I need to use speakers to listen the assistant's voice but there is a problem. I plugged the speakers' jack into a sound card and I plugged USB port into my laptop for power supply and I got a sizzling sound from the speakers. They're working when I used on my laptop but they're not on Raspberry. How can I solve this problem?
March 27, 2024, 00:41

Help in Facial Recognition

Hello, I'm trying to train my raspberry pi 4 model 4 GB for Facial Recognition following this tutorial: https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/raspberry-pi-facial-recognition#main I'm on the step where you install the face-recognition itself and it comes out with the image I attatched. Any ideas?
March 26, 2024, 22:07

Setting up ethernet on Kali

Hello, Raspberry PI 4B. Got Kali up and running. I can connect to wi-fi but my ethernet wants a lot more info
March 26, 2024, 22:07

peephole image quality

I have a peephole setup but the image quality is so bad. i think its due to the lens???? the glass in peephole is clean. I just would like a clearer image far away any ideas ??? https://imgur.com/7j1xHk3
March 26, 2024, 20:24

Wifi not working

I flashed a fresh install RPI OS bookworm 64 bit lite onto a SD card for a 3B+ and the wifi doesn't work. Pretty certain my SSID and password are correct. The pi is in a cluster case with another pi (running 64 bit desktop) which is connected via wifi working fine. Ethernet works but would rather use WiFi for now. Board: 3B+ OS: RPI OS lite Bookworm 64-bit headless
March 26, 2024, 17:46

Home server

I have a rpi 4 B and going to get a pi Voyager and a battery. For storage I don't know what to get and a case any suggestions? I'm going to be using nextcloud
March 26, 2024, 16:16

would the TEA5767 work with the pi zero 2w?

im trying to make a radio FM Reciver for the raspberry pi zero 2w using the TEA5767 Product link: https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B07VBVDNLL/ref=ewc_pr_img_3 i already have the pi just wondering if it could work
March 26, 2024, 15:13

ubuntu server install on raspberry pi gone wrong

I get this error constantly and have no clue how to fix I am willing to hope on voice chat and share my screen.
March 26, 2024, 11:31

pico ducky doesnt execute payload

I have a raspberry pi pico that acts like a badusb but it doesnt execute the payload i did all the steps from this video it worked before though: https://youtu.be/RUV_Wra_fgE?si=4hC6Do1UhvI1-f10
March 26, 2024, 10:58

DSI display

Hi everyone! I am using a CM4 module. I wanted to use a 7 inch DSI display which uses the ILI9881 IC. I got the inspiration to use this from the cutiepi tablet project. I designed a PCB and added dtoverlay = cutiepi-panel to my config.txt. I get output to my display but it blurry and the entire row lights up. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks a lot!
March 26, 2024, 10:38

RPI 4B power supply issue

Hello, I recently ran into trouble with my RPI 4B. It worked fine for a while, I took it out of the case for the time being as I was waiting for a better case to arrive. My hand bumped into the pi while it was running and it looked like it was going to reboot. After waiting a while and restarting it manually a few times, the pi does not seem to boot. Both the red LED and the green ACT LED stay on constantly once power is connected. I tried starting with nothing connected but the power cable, however the problem did not seem to go away. I thought maybe the bootloader was corrupt but that also does not seem like the issue. Any advice on what I can do to troubleshoot this pi?
March 26, 2024, 09:39

No cameras available

I have a raspberry pi 5 and a Camera module 3 camera_auto_detect=1 In config.txt And its setup as shown in the images Whenever i try to use libcamera-hello —list-cameras i get “no cameras available” Is there anything i have missed like drivers etc? I’ve done sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get full-upgrade

March 26, 2024, 05:49

How to setup Static and DHCP simultaneously for different connections automatically?

Hi hi, i just tried setting up 2 diff AP's but since the Address ranges for them are different idk how to setup Static for one and DHCP for the other. (using wpa_sup) i used DHCPD before for just my home net but idk how to apply it for a specific AP as seen in the attached picture (1.static for my home router 2. dhcp for mobile hotspot)
March 25, 2024, 00:59

Booting from USB with USB-hub not working

When I try booting from an SSD connected to a USB hub raspberry pi os won't boot, even though it says
USB2 root HUB port 1 init
USB2[1] 400202e1 connected
. When plugging the SSD directly into the pi it works but takes extremely long as I think its not getting enough power, so I need it plugged into the powered USB hub. It did boot through the hub a few times before but now it doesn't idk why