March 24, 2024, 18:33

Half-Life PortMaster ArkOS error?

!!!! NOTE: This isn't exactly a Raspberry Pi issue, but the systems are incredibly similar and this problem mostly involves a form of (i believe) Linux, which I know this community is very knowledgeable about. This is the last place I wanted to ask this, but I already posted it everywhere that is dedicated to this stuff and got ZERO responses. Thank you. I'm trying to play Half-Life through PortMaster on ArkOS, but the game won't start. When I run it the first time on startup, it shows a terminal with some lines about copying config files for HL, OF, and BS. But then it boots back to the menu. Checking the log.txt file reveals this error: "taskset: failed to execute ./xash3d: No such file or directory". Extra info: I'm using the 2nd slot SD card. The system is an Anbernic RG353PS. The PortMaster is updated to the latest version, and Half-Life worked even less before the update (didn't even show the command prompt). The file structure of the port (how i have it set up) goes: "ports" contains "Half-Life", which contains "valve" (half life 1 files), "gearbox" (opposing force files), and "bshift" (blue shift files), as well as the default files that came with the port. Note that "xash3d" IS, infact, among these files. I also copied it to all 3 game folders, and the "binaries" folder, which has 3 subdirectories name after the 3 games that, for whatever reason, I cannot open on my PC. The error says that they are corrupt, but I have not changed them myself.
March 24, 2024, 17:17

Pi-Hole troubles

I followed the Network Chuck tutorial if anyone is familiar with it. I ssh'd to the pi and ran the commands to install AdGuard Home last night. Went to config the DNS server on my router and it doesn't give you the option. This morning, I was able to ping the Pi but couldn't get to the AdGuard Gui through 192.168.0.X. When I ran the ls command, nothing was output. When I used the command from the Chuck video to download it - it told me it was already downloaded.. Umm??? So I reinstalled with -r and was able to acceess the AdGuard Gui again. Manually set the DNS server on my Windows HP, ran WireShark and the Pi-Hole STILL won't get the DNS queries, all of those were done using IPv6. I can't even begin to understand where I'm going wrong
March 24, 2024, 16:55

Raspberry Pi Retro Console

how can i turn my raspberry pi into a retro console to play games from old consoles such as the N64, Wii, GameCube and some stuff
March 24, 2024, 16:29

Project ideas needed

does anyone have ideas for raspberry pi 4 projects?
March 24, 2024, 16:22

My Raspberry Pi Opened to the "Install an OS on this Raspberry Pi" Page

I have some files that I saved and needed for my ongoing project on my Pi and the thing in the title happened. I really don't want to start anything from scratch and I can't seem to get the files back or anything. I'm not sure what the problem is since I just started all this. I am really desperate for help with this.
March 24, 2024, 16:17

Pico as a USB hub *and* UART

I am designing a digital mode interface for my ham radio. The details are not too important - what I need from the Pico is to act as a UART serial device, preferably with an RTS/CTS interface too, but an added bonus would be if it could act as a USB hub at the same time, as I am also using a sound card and I would love to have everything on one cable. Is that even remotely possible?
March 24, 2024, 15:32

Setting up Raspberry Pi 4B as an AI face recognition

someone help
March 24, 2024, 14:21

Virtual Keyboard

Does anyone know a way to install a virtual keyboard on the rpi? I'm using a touchscreen display and rpi 4b. Thanks!
March 24, 2024, 13:53

Hi, I am trying to install drivers for AWUS036ACS On a raspberry pie 5 How do I install the drivers?

Hi, I am trying to install drivers for AWUS036ACS On a raspberry pie 5 How do I install the drivers?
March 23, 2024, 13:06

date and time not updating correctly

hello. does anyone know why my raspberry pi does not update date and time? localisation is already correct but date and time is not correct. im running bookworm im from philippines manila asia. it is set correctly but still wrong. i needed to run this command every boot to just get the correct date and time sudo date -s "$(wget -qSO- --max-redirect=0 google.com 2>&1 | grep Date: | cut -d' ' -f5-8)Z"
March 23, 2024, 09:18

Google Home control

Hey, silly question but I'm wondering if it's possible to connect my Rpi5 to Google home tk be able to power it on/off, I can't find much information online (or any information I can actually understand) anyone have an idea if this is possible and how I'd go about doing it?
March 23, 2024, 08:32

Raspberry pi 5 hand detection with picamera 3

I'm working on a project that involves hand tracking and finger identification and I can't find any tutorials or anything about hand tracking with picamera and raspberry pi 5 any help would be very appreciated.
March 23, 2024, 06:42

gpio_shutdown in rpi desktop

rpi4 using bookworm desktop I'm using dtoverlay = gpio-shutdown to send a shutdown signal, and when i short GPIO3 to ground I get a shutdown dialog on my screen. Is there a way to make it initiate the shutdown instead of popping up the menu?
March 22, 2024, 21:07

64 Emulator on raspberry pi 5

So I'm new to both Linux and raspberry pi. I got this whole project I'm trying to do but to start off I'm trying to get an n64 emulator without using retropie as i still want to be able to access other programs. i was able to install retroarch but cant figure out how to install the cores. I'm running into some issues trying to get mupen64plus installed, it just doesn't seem to install for whatever reason. i tried following the guide on the github
git clone https://github.com/ricrpi/mupen64plus
cd mupen64plus
sudo ./install.sh
and even this one that i found
cd ~
sudo apt install libboost-dev
sudo apt install libboost-filesystem-dev
wget https://github.com/mupen64plus/mupen64plus-core/releases/download/2.5.9/mupen64plus-bundle-src-2.5.9.tar.gz
tar -zxf mupen64plus-bundle-src-2.5.9.tar.gz 
cd mupen64plus-bundle-src-2.5.9/
sudo CFLAGS='-mfpu=neon -mtune=cortex-a72 -march=armv8-a' ./m64p_build.sh NEON=1 USE_GLES=1 VFP_HARD=1 NEW_DYNAREC=1
but it kept saying no directory found when i did
cd mupen64plus-bundle-src-2.5.9/
does anyone have a step by step "explain it to me like I'm 5" guide to getting one installed? or a simple way to install mupen that someone who has never used Linux can do? or am i just doing something incorrectly?
March 22, 2024, 10:46

Quick noob question about powering with batteries

March 21, 2024, 07:28

issues running pihole, openmediavault, Plex and nextcloud on Pi 5

Hello everyone, I am trying to set up my Pi 5 to run: 1. pihole as dns server on my local network that works for all devices 2. omv as a nas that can be used by the other users AND by nextcloud as well as Plex 3. nextcloud to be reached from outside the local network too 4. plex that runs data stored on the nas I am having troubles with making things work all together at the same time. I was able to successfully install each of them and run it, but I would lose connection to the nas. Any suggestions and maybe tutorials links are much appreciated. Thanks in advance:)
March 21, 2024, 01:29

SDK path issues

Hello I recently started working with Pico's and decided to tackle learning C. I bought a pi5 and installed everything. However my install location is not the same as in the tutorial. I have adjusted it in the bashrc file as in the uploaded img and rebooted. However when I press build through vscode it gives an error and links to the wrong path.(Second pic) Did I forget something? Kind regards

March 20, 2024, 13:30

First Project on Raspberry pi pico w with 1.3" IPS LCD Display

Hello i downloaded a demo code from the instructions about the LCD display: It works when i press the A button on the Display that it is printing a but the display is always black? Maybe someone could help me :) thanks
March 19, 2024, 13:05

Unable to boot

Hi All. I have been trying for a week to get my Raspberry Pi 5 to boot. I have tried two SD-Cards and a USB thumb drive to no avail. If I use the custom config option in Raspberry Pi Imager, I get a screen that says its generating SSH keys and then it says rebooting, but it never comes back. If I pull the power and plug it in, I get the standard linux boot text scrolling for a few pages and then the screen goes blank, it never seems to connect to wifi using the custom config, and the keyboard has no power. The led stays red forever more. I have tried all of the options in config.txt for hdmi, plus the video= option in cmdline.txt and nothing changes. I have tried Raspberry Pi OS 64bit, Ubuntu, and Kali and all do the same thing. The last item I have seen come up a few times before it goes to black is "BCM: Using default device address". Although it does seem to go black at different points, so I'm not sure if thats useful. I am honestly at my wits end trying to get this working. Any assistance would be really grateful
March 19, 2024, 05:51

Pi02W: Help with booting into Raspberry Pi for the first time.

First time Raspberry PI user, I can't seem to boot into my Raspberry Pi, installed PIOS, and first boot shows "Generating SSH Keys," and then "Rebooting in 5" I get into CLI for a second, before the signal terminates. Nothing happens from then on. Specs:Raspberry Pi Zero 0W with Raspberry PI OS Legacy 32x Lite. I have tried using Kali Linux, with success. I full reformatted an SD card with NOOBS installed, and installed the operating system
March 19, 2024, 02:44

Pi5: Unable to boot from NVME (Waveshare Hat+)

Hey! I've been trying to boot from my NVME drive for almost a week now with no success. I have a Pi5 with a Waveshare NVME hat, but when I try booting from it I get this error message: Timeout: 00000000 3c301010 00000000 00000000 nvme: error 8 Failed to open device: 'nvme' My BOOT_ORDER is 0xf641 (also tried with 0xf46 and 0xf64) I can boot from SD and USB without issues, but if I boot from USB and set the root partition to the SSD my wlan0 disappears. The drive I'm using is a Foresee E2M2 064G that came with my Steam Deck. Any ideas?
March 19, 2024, 00:32

Downgrading to Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

I'm running to .jar files continunisley on a Raspberry Pi 4B+ 8GB, and I'd rather switch a Pi W 2 Zero I have to running it, however, Im at 585MB of ram used, which the zero only has 512. If I run the dumed down just command line system on the zero will it balance out and could I run it on there?
March 18, 2024, 11:03

Connect 4 HDDs to a Raspberry Pi 5

Hello everyone, Thanks in advance for any help:) How can I connect my 4 HDDs that only have a SATA port to the Pi5? Would this (Sata to USB) https://www.amazon.de/Unnderwiss-festplatten-Kompatibel-Festplatten-Betriebssystemen/dp/B0BP17RP5P/ref=mp_s_a_1_3 With this (Powered USB hub) https://www.ebay.de/itm/394880174396 Would this work together? Or did I miss something?
March 18, 2024, 06:05

Need help with enabling camera on V2 on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

I'm completely new to anything raspberry pi related and I started a school project with it. Here's a list of all the parts I've got from amazon: Raspberry Pi 4: https://www.amazon.com/Raspberry-Model-2019-Quad-Bluetooth/dp/B07TD42S27/ref=as_li_ss_tl?dchild=1&sr=8-4&linkId=b48356bc3c6888cd7c44fd1130081d1a&language=en_US Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2-8: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ER2SKFS?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details Touch Display: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XKC53NH?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details and ofc everything else like SD cards, display cables, etc. I tried following this tutorial I found on Youtube: https://smartbuilds.io/smart-cctv-camera-flask-video-streaming-opencv-raspberry-pi/ One of the first steps is to 'Select Interface Options, Camera Port and select Enabled. You can now exit. This may cause your Pi to reboot." but no camera port option is showing up in the raspberry pi config. Any ideas? I've looked at countless articles and videos, but nothing seems to work.
March 18, 2024, 04:11

How to stream PC screen to PI?

I want to stream my screen to my Pi so that I can analyze the screen, then have the Pi make keyboard and mouse movements based on what it sees. Any tips?
March 18, 2024, 01:01

RP4 doesnt show up in imager or computer

Tried plugging it into my macbook and windows PC, its not a micro SD card issue because when i plug it in by itself it works fine, light is solid red and im connecting via USB c
March 17, 2024, 23:25

Not being able to SSH into Rpi Zero 2 w

Hello, i was just trying to SSH into my Pi (after waiting a couple of minutes with a fast Micro SD) and it looks that i wasn't able, just a couple of Hours before i could. I affirmed that the ip was right, it shows in my router, i have tried adding a blank ssh file in the boot filesystem but i still can't ssh it.
March 17, 2024, 18:20

Toggle Switch ON/OFF doesn't work

Hello, I've buy a Toggle Switch to start and shutdown properly my RPI 4, I've setup /boot/firmware/config.txt dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown and wired my toggle in GPI 5 and 6 (GRD). I success to shut and start one time, but despite, nothing happend. Do you have any idéea ? Thx !
March 17, 2024, 17:32

Nema 17 Stepper stops moving randomly

Hi guys, Im working on a little project where I need a Nema 17 Stepper. I paired it with a l298n module and control it with the Raspberry Pi 4B. My problem is, that the motor works fine the first few rotations but then stops randomly. After stopping it just rattles and vibrates. I already tried changing the connections and increased my power supply. I tried using code from different tutorials online but nothing helped. This is my code for testing the stepper:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

ControlPin = [7, 11, 13, 15]

for pin in ControlPin:
    GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.output(pin, 0)

StepCount = 8
# this two-dimensional array holds the eight-step sequence for half stepping
Seq = [ [1, 0, 0, 0],
        [1, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 1, 1],
        [0, 0, 0, 1],
        [1, 0, 0, 1] ]

# GPIO.output(enable_pin, 1)
def setStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):
    GPIO.output(ControlPin[0], w1)
    GPIO.output(ControlPin[1], w2)
    GPIO.output(ControlPin[2], w3)
    GPIO.output(ControlPin[3], w4)

def forward(delay, steps):
    for i in range(steps):
        for j in range(StepCount):
            setStep(Seq[j][0], Seq[j][1], Seq[j][2], Seq[j][3])

def backwards(delay, steps):
    for i in range(steps):
        for j in reversed(range(StepCount)):
            setStep(Seq[j][0], Seq[j][1], Seq[j][2], Seq[j][3])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    while True:
        delay = input("Delay (ms)?")
        steps = input("How many steps forwards? ")
        forward(int(delay) / 1000.0, int(steps))
        steps = input("How many steps backwards? ")
        backwards(int(delay) / 1000.0, int(steps))

# this cleanup command is needed so that all the pins are reset once the program ends
March 17, 2024, 01:38

Raspberry Pi Zero W HDMI Audio?

Hi Newbie here. Does the Raspberry Pi Zero W mini-hdmi support hdmi audio? I want to add a USB Mic + Speaker and thinking I could use a mini-hdmi speaker? Cheers.