Hi all,
need some help with pi pico.
I followed a tutorial to get a 4 digit 7 segment display work with pico, and it
worked absolutely fine
, I was able to see the display working properly. (
But then I wanted to find how much current was consumed by the display, so I did two experiments (in both cases pico is connected to macbook pro via usb hub):
I connected the display to the pico and measured the current by connecting the multimeter in series with the pico(pin 38) and the ground pin of the display. (I did not remember exactly, but the display did not turn on I guess)
Did the same experiment as above, but this time I connected the multimeter in series with the pico(pin 36) and the vcc pin of the display,
when I did this, the usb hub that I had connected to use the pico with macbook just stopped working forever. but the pico itself just works fine.
I felt very bad for what I did, lost my usb hub.
But still unable to understand what went wrong, pls explain to me what happened and how to avoid it in the future.
Attaching pictures of my second experiment.