January 10, 2024, 13:04

Rpi 4 doesn't boot after crash (error 110 whilst intialising sd card)

blk_update_request I/O error, dev mmcblk0 error 110 whilst intialising sd card got data interrupt 0x0000002 even though no data operation was in progress
January 10, 2024, 06:40

ssh into raspi from anywhere

January 9, 2024, 23:49

Setup arch on my pi4

I DL the ach.iso and setup my SD card with raspberry imager, with the import And when I started my rasp, and there was the default display of the raspberry when there is no OS to be detected, and looped "booting BRX-USB", but never boot, does anyone have an idea?
January 9, 2024, 19:26

Anologue pins on ESP32 Dev Board

Hi all, can anyone clarify if this board has anologue inputs? I cant decypher the manual as there seems to be more pins than the board actually has in the detailed specs
January 9, 2024, 18:50

nvme pcie file

Recently bought raspberry pi 5 connected the pcie cable to the nvme bottom from pimeroni and it says on their website I need to add the line dtparam=pciex1_gen=3 to the config.txt but when I do it says failed to save too many levels of symbolic links please can somebody help me ??
January 9, 2024, 09:19

Can't build Chiaki PS5 remote-play

Hi, I am trying to build chiaki. A Playstation remote play client on the rasberry pi. I've been following this guide here:,-64bit,-h265-and-kmsdrm But I am running to an error in step 5 when running make -j3 Does anyone know what's going on or how should I proceed??
January 8, 2024, 21:53

VNC Server not working on Pi 3B

Hi I just setup my pi 3b with a recommended raspbian OS and i used command sudo raspi-config and enabled vnc and restarted my pi, but vnc isnt working. my pi is on wifi and my pc is on ethernet, but on the pi vnc server doesnt show as running, i can only find vnc viewer
January 8, 2024, 21:14

ETH0 problem

I was trying to make my RPI into a hotspot, i managed to mess up my eth0 which now shows as end0, which breaks my PiHole aswell, been trying to search for a while and found no fix
January 8, 2024, 16:37

My pi’s interface is way too big! how do i make it smaller?

January 8, 2024, 16:24

Rasberry pi pico W USB CDC Wifi

Actually i use a cable to connect my pcbs with my PC and i want to add wifi (see the pictures) and my question is how can i add a rasberry pi pico W to communicate between the pc software and my pcbs through the wifi and the usb

January 8, 2024, 07:54

relay controller from temperature sensor

i am trying to make a standalone fan controller that requires no input as i am trying to add electric fans to my vehicle and would like to have alittle more accurate control than just on and off with a regular switch any help with programs or code would be appreciated i suck at coding
January 8, 2024, 01:00

Raspberry 4 retropie after shutdown I have to reflash

So basically I got this raspberry 4 for 25 dollars, I've never owned a raspberry before nor have I operated Linux. I got an SD card and a usb flash and got it to work. I choose a game, my start button to go back to emulation station doesn't work so I shut it down. When I power it back on it gets me to a screen like cmd on windows with the name "busy box" nowhere on the internet have I found a similiar problem. Every time I shut down I have to reflash because I can't get to emulation station a second time without doing so
January 7, 2024, 23:18

Serial UART not working with non-booting Fedora39

# About my pi - OS: Fedora Server 39 - Model: 4B ## The Problem Fedora Server goes through U-Boot, then starting services and then the screen is black (No Signal). My Serial UART also refuses to connect after this time. ## What I've tried - Re-formatting the SD Card using a variety of tools (arm-image-installer, RPI imager, dd, Rufus, balenaEtcher) - Setting the "nomodeset" parameter - Connecting the Serial UART, with and without the 3v3 and 5v connections. ### How I've tried to connect - Screen and minicom on Arch Linux - Putty on Windows Please ping me in any response!
January 7, 2024, 18:00

rpi4 model b 4gb on boot red and green light on solid with new flashed fresh sd card

does anyone know how to fix this?!
January 7, 2024, 15:08

no green light on pi 4

Hi there. I was running mainsail on my pi and until recently it was working fine. Now only the red light comes on and it doesn’t seem to boot. I confirmed my power source is 5.3v . I tried plugging it into an external monitor to see what it is doing and it said no signal. I checked the sad card. It seems fine, but I tried a second one just in case. I can’t see any physical damage to the card, and no reason why it would have suffered any. But I’m at a loss.
January 7, 2024, 06:38

raspberry Pi virtual assistant

I’m looking to make a virtual assistant ran through chat gpt using the raspberry pi 4. I have virtually 0 experience with the software so I want to learn why I’m doing things, not just how. Any help is appreciated.
January 7, 2024, 04:06

Sending Information to a pico

just connect them to the internet and send the data via http, not sure what your problem is
January 7, 2024, 03:19

which architecture am i using? raspberry pi 4 b

Hello, i'm not understanding which architecture i'm using on my raspberry pi 4 b, 'sudo dpkg --print-architecture' throws 'armhf' but 'arch' throws 'aarch64' and neofetch throws 'OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) aarch64' and in the past i have only been able to install armhf .debian files, so i think its using armhf, if it is using armhf, is it possible to start using aarch64 or both architectures on my current system? like upgrading or something?
January 7, 2024, 03:13

Taskbar/Menu is missing using RDP

January 7, 2024, 00:20

PI Gif player

Im just trying to play a gif borderless full screen
January 6, 2024, 20:14

PI 4B refuses to boot with SD card inserted

Just setting up my PI and I used imager to download Raspberry PI 64bit OS. Already updated the EEPROM configuration as well. PI boots to bootloader without SD card. I get the error "Input Signal Out of Range". Can provide video/pictures. My card is a onn SDHC 32GB micro SD.
January 6, 2024, 18:38

BBS client

ok i know its like 3 decades old and useless but i really want to acces some from my pi. can anyone help? all the tutorials online seem outdated and dont work (for good reason) so ig i just need to ask around.
January 6, 2024, 17:43

Using Arduino GPIO directly from Raspberry PI (RPI.GPIO)

So I was searching for the fastest method to send a 5v signal from the raspberry pi to other components and I saw the serial communication on arduino, this have a lot of problems from me, I just want to directly send the 5v signal and I came across this image. the website didn't have anymore in depth information, but comparing it to other information I got from chatgpt I think we could directly control the arduino pins by setting the pins ias output in the setpu, and having the same pins number as output in the raspberry. did anyone ever try it? as I think that I might have understood something wrong, I also don't trust chatgpt for codes except for him to find missed semi-colones or other typos
January 6, 2024, 16:50

Missing component and short circuit(RPI02W)

Hello, i have RPI zero 2W and my hdmi fell out, i soldered it back and its not a real problem, a real problem is that i accidentally soldered two contacts(highlighted on image attached) alltogether, and when i connected it to power supply, my cable literally melt, i removed that component and lost it(yeah, im kinda stupid), and now its booting and working, but hdmi does not work anymore. Please, tell me what was that component i removed(i highlighted it with red thing on photo) and what it does on that SBC 👉👈
January 6, 2024, 16:34

pi 5 gpio issue when not running in sudo mode.

Post complete info.
January 6, 2024, 16:11

PI wont login after upgrading

I upgraded over 200 packages and now after reboot my RPI asks me to log in, when I do it shows a blank screen, changes cursor to X and then asks for login again
January 6, 2024, 14:29

Rp2040 Win11 USB Serial Device not connecting

HI, trying to find out why i can get onto my RP2040 using thonny or Putty , just tried it on my works win 11 machine and its fine, but when I try using same cable , windows shows it there but with yellow warning sign by the die of it and this error message in it Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39) Any ideas please.
January 6, 2024, 04:47

test if external usb is bootable

so I got a external USB drive with the intent to boot off of it for my rasberry pi 3 B HA install (HA = Home Assistant, an image the rasberry pi imager supports). I set the usb boot flag using sd card on my pi3, but it wasn't booting off my external usb drive or giving any image on my monitor. The pi3 boots the HA image from microSD no problem, and the external usb drive is recognized by windows 10 no problem (as a data drive anyways). The external USB drive only shows 1 partition in disk management, but who knows. So I want to rule out that the external usb drive is the problem... by booting off it on a regular computer. Any suggestion on what/how I should image it? I tried rufus imaging reactOS onto it but that failed to boot... before I give up on this drive any other suggestion for how to image it or tips to make it work? I suspect it has something to do with its embedded USB to SATA controller.. which I know nothing about. edit1: I was able to boot ubuntu iso off the external usb drive. edit2: booting off the microsd card into pi, I was able to usb mount the external drive, so the drive is mountable in the pi edit3: I double checked the boot flag, it's fine edit4: I saw a video where they booted off a usb key, so I tried that. no go. I think I can eliminate the external drive and say my rasbery pi 3 B isn't botting off USB properly without a sdcard.
January 5, 2024, 21:31

Buttons not working on GPIO Hat

Ok, I have solved every problem I have had and this is the last hurdle. I have this HAT and following the documentation: Except in the demos in C and Python the button presses on the hat do not get detected. I manually wrote a script in python to output ot the console when a button is pressed by following this guide (it uses RPIO): With the Waveshare Demo and that guide, it does still not detect any button presses. I am a bit lost on how to test it.
January 5, 2024, 12:06

Pihole DHCP problems

I have pihole setup as the DHCP server for my network. I've got a mesh network which unreliably connects to pihole. My problem is that sometimes I get disconnected from my mesh network and onto my ISP router which has poor coverage. I think it's smth about the leases since when I remove my device info from the dhcp.leases file I can reconnect. Any ideas on how make it work properly?