December 28, 2023, 12:32

Portainer Installing/Running Correctly when built from template, manual pull issue

I have docker and portainer running on my pi, using the app template from pi hole if I deploy a container using an image everything works fine, I get a published port and can connect and access the app in question with no issues. I've tried to manually pull one or two images, (Dashy in this case) this works fine, it's when I deploy them as a container, they run fine according to portainer but I don't get a published port listed, so can't access? Any ideas
December 28, 2023, 11:54

Separate power supplies for Raspberry Pi and motor driver board

Hi! 👋 I have a Raspberry Pi 5 and this motor driver board: The board is connected to a battery pack to power small motors and can supply up to 5V2A to the Pi. Because this is not sufficient for the Pi 5, I need to connect a dedicated power supply to the Pi. I want to avoid any problems that could be caused by having two power supplies connected to each other. Would disconnecting the 5V GPIO pins (e.g. by wrapping them in electrical tape) be the best/easiest way to use this motor driver board with the Pi 5?
December 28, 2023, 09:24

IP CAM connection with Raspberry pi.

Description: Unfortunately I don't have enough information on this subject. I've been trying to connect IP Camera to raspberry pi for 3 days. Either I'm making a hardware or process error. For this reason, I couldn't make the connection. I need to connect on LAN cable. I tried from interfaces such as VLC, OMXplayer, I tried with ssh from the end unit but in vain I could not get the image. I need to transfer the live image.
December 27, 2023, 23:16

Pi 5 Docker exit code: 159

Hello, I purchased a Raspberry Pi 5 8GB. This is my first Pi. When I try running any containers I get an exit 159 error or I just get "no matching manifest for linux/arm/v8 in the manifest list entries". I installed by doing: curl -sSL | sh sudo usermod -aG docker $USER I have stripped my docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile to the bare minimum: docker-compose.yml: version: '3.8' services: app: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile image: myapp container_name: myapp restart: unless-stopped tty: true Dockerfile: FROM arm64v8/php:8.2-cli RUN apt-get update -y When doing "docker compose up" I get: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apt-get update -y" did not complete successfully: exit code: 159 And it's not just the update command, when I remove it and do anything else I keep getting exit 159. I've tried many different php images. main@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -m aarch64 main@raspberrypi:~ $ docker version Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 24.0.7 API version: 1.43 Go version: go1.20.10 Git commit: afdd53b Built: Thu Oct 26 09:08:26 2023 OS/Arch: linux/arm Context: default My Pihole works fine though..? version: "3" services: pihole: container_name: pihole image: pihole/pihole:latest ports: - "53:53/tcp" - "53:53/udp" - "67:67/udp" - "80:80/tcp" environment: TZ: 'Europe/Amsterdam' WEBPASSWORD: 'REDACTED' volumes: - './etc-pihole:/etc/pihole' - './etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d' cap_add: - NET_ADMIN restart: unless-stopped I am very confused what could be causing this. I am using the distro that came on the SD card. If you need any further information please let me know 🙂
December 27, 2023, 17:54

Auto starting NPM program after reboot

Hey all, Forgive me am still fairly new to coding/software, recently got my hands on my Pi 5 which I'm loving, following the guide found here - I've set up and have dizquetv working on my pi, the only issue is when the device powers off I need to SSH in, start a screen session and restart it with an NPM Start command. Is there a way to automate this, and could someone help me out with some idiot-proof steps? Thanks in advance 🙂
December 27, 2023, 14:01

VNC & HDMI are loosing connection after Pi is running for some time

Hello I am using the PI-4. He is connected through a LAN cable. I am running a python scirpt on it and therefore want him to be always turned on. When I turn the Pi on, while a HDMI cable is plugged in, he connects normally to my monitor. I go to the settings and turn VNC on and try to connect to the Pi through the RealVNC app. It works. I start the python script and let it run. I change the signal from the monitor to my PC‘s display port (the HDMI is still plugged in) and use it. I turn the montior off and check back on the Pi at the next day. I notice that I only get a grey screen as soon as I change the signal from the monitor back to HDMI. I try to connect to the Pi through VNC (what worked the day before) but it doesn‘t work. I just get the error: „The port on which the computer is listening for a connection could not be contacted.“. I can‘t turn the Pi properly of, so is unplug him from the power cable wait shortly and plug him in again. The Pi boots and connects again to my monitor (the monitor is turned on while I do this). It works again. I go to the settings and look for VNC. It is turned off even though I didn‘t turned it off. Wheb I turn it back on and try to connect to the Pi, it works again. This repeats every day. I do not know after which time it happens but it is often at the same day.
December 27, 2023, 12:12

Monitor turning black after following LCD integration instructions

I followed this instruction to setup my 3.5 LCD screen: Then suddenly my monitor turns black screen and my LCD only shows white screen. I can't use my RPI since it has black and white screens that's why I can only use its memory card to fix it. What should I do, I already tried editing its config.txt but nothing works. Here is the content of its config.txt:
December 27, 2023, 11:27

Raspberry Pi 4 + TP Link WN722N + Kismet Wireless Issue

Hi All, Hoping someone might be able to shed some light on the issue I'm currently experiencing. Here are the system details: Device: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB OS: Debian Bullseye 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS Kernel version: 5.15.84-v8+ Wifi Adaptor: TP Link WN722N Version 2. Driver: compiled from source. Kismet Wireless compiled from source at (I've also tried the Bullseye and Buster packages as well with the same result) I'm successfully putting the wifi adaptor into monitor mode, however when I launch Kismet I get this error: ERROR: Data source 'wlan1' failed to launch: Command did not complete Then, my networking services appear to stop working. I'm not sure what the issue is here because no networking related commands work, or return an error message. All commands such as 'ifconfig' 'iwconfig' 'sudo systemctl restart networking' all just hang the console, no error, the console just stops responding. Even the reboot command won't work. Some further notes: - The kismet web server is still running and accessible from a remote machine. - The hci adaptor (bluetooth) keeps working fine. - Running kismet with no wifi adapter results in no issues with networking commands - Running kismet with another wifi card, the Alfa Networks AWUS036ACM with the Aircrack driver works fine: no issues. If you're able to help with fixing the entire issue, great! But if someone is even able to tell me exactly what's breaking then that would help me dig into this further. The next thing I need to test is whether another program is able to use the adaptor in monitor mode successfully, I had a poke around and found a few options but was unable to install them easily due to incompatibility with Raspi OS / missing dependencies etc, can anyone suggest another application that will use the monitor function on the adaptor that I can use to test whether this is a Kismet or drivers issue? Cheers!
December 27, 2023, 10:30

Enviromental data gathering from using wheelchair and Raspberry Pi 5.

Hello. I've recently embarked on a project using the Raspberry Pi 5 to gather environmental data while on the move using my wheelchair. Goal for collecting data is to measure levels of comfort while moving around city. My aim is to capture accurate and relevant data without investing in resources that won't serve my purpose. Although I'm relatively new to this field, I've done some preliminary research. However, I'm seeking your advice to further refine my approach. Could you recommend the types of sensors best suited for mobile environmental data collection with a Raspberry Pi 5? Additionally, are there any particular learning resources you'd suggest that could help me avoid common pitfalls and unnecessary expenses? I'm eager to learn and make the most out of this experience without investing in unnecessary or ineffective tools. Thank you for your time and help. Have a nice day.
March 31, 2024, 19:15

How get help online (fast) 💊

Raw text from section 7 \\\ this is code \\\ \\\js this is javascript \\\ \\this is bold,\\ \italic\ and \_\_underlined\_\_ text Note: If the message your sending involves one of these sequences, then you should put a \ before it (like this \* to fix it) You can also do inline code blocks \like this\
December 26, 2023, 18:19

12V Peristaltic Pump with raspberry pi

I am looking to have 8 pumps, what stuff would I need please apart from a raspberry pi? From research I can see that I can't connect these to my raspberry pi directly... Can someone please help as I wish to order the staff and get the project started!
December 26, 2023, 07:16

Display is cut off at the edges

Hello, the desktop of my Raspberry Pi 5 is cut off at the edges. I already deactivated overscan by changing the config.txt but it didnt help. I also gave some values for overscan on the respective directions and to change the settings of my tv and it didnt work either. Can you help me? Pic is related
December 25, 2023, 19:24

Technicolor MediaAccess TG389ac DLNA Server Web Panel Credientals

Hi! I am using a Raspberry Pi 4b to make an ad blocker using Pi-hole. But now I have an encountered an issue. I do not know the admin credientals for my router! Someone tell me the default credientals for Technicolor routers, thank you if you helped me.
December 25, 2023, 12:16

raspberry pi 4 display issues.

Hey guys, I bought a raspberry pi 4 2gb modell and a waveshare 3,5 inch display connecting only on the gpio pins. When I follow the instuctions from any website I just can't get IT to work. After IT reboots there are only a black screen amd nothing happens. I tried 10 different sites instuctions bot nothing is working. Can anyone please help?
December 24, 2023, 16:57

orange pi 5

i know this is a rbpi discord but im despirate to get some help getting my sbc working
December 24, 2023, 10:56

Gas sensor parts complications help: Demo board/ evaluation board and test board (for Arduino)

There are these 2 parts that are used in conjunction with the readings incoming from an acoustic, transducer gas sensing element: a demo board/ evaluation board along with a test board designated for Arduino connection. I am having difficulties with understanding what each part does and what’s the purpose that they serve. Help!
December 24, 2023, 10:06

New WiFi connection

I have a problem with WiFi connection. I am using my RPi 4 to controll my 2 3d printers. I did have everything set up. Now I came back to my home country, brought my printer and RPi4 and I am unable to set up WiFi connection, so I would be able to connect 3d printer and continue doing my projects. I have already tried wpa_supplicant and with ethernet cable but neither of those methods worked. Does anyone have some advice?
December 24, 2023, 09:53

MQTT brocker

I'm unable to install MQTT broker on my RP4, I used sudo apt -y install mosquitto, didn't work
December 24, 2023, 09:51

Pi3b dead?

Hi all thanks in advance for looking at this post and any help you can provide! I have an RPI3b that I've been using as a pihole- booting off an usb drive. I noticed yesterday the pihole was down so I powered off the pi and examined the flash drive it reported that it was in read only mode (there is no hardware switch on this drive) so given past experiences I've come to the conclusion since its not a software lock the flash must be erroring and the drive's controller decided the lock out any writes to preserve the data on the drive. So I thought if I got another new usb drive and flashed it with the official rasberry pi imager I could start again. unfortunately after imaging the new drive the pi will not boot into raspbian it will just sit at blinking cursor on a black screen. I already checked the 3v3 power pin on the gpio and its still reads ~3.3v. I'm a bit mystified as how to proceed any help would be appreciated!
December 24, 2023, 09:51

Need help with PIO for SPI ROM chip reads

Background -- I recently discovered and since I have a ton of picos and no rom programmers I thought I'd give it ago, except flashrom doesn't detect it as a programmer. Then I discovered the fork except that it doesn't implement all commands. So today I forked it: and implemented remaining commands. I think started refactoring the primary rom read command S_CMD_O_SPIOP -- seems to be the problem is related to flashrom reading the entire 16 MB rom I can read from the chip as long as I read a subset that can fit into pico memory and send it one go -- as soon as I chunk the payload the communications with flashrom break. I've started trying to implement pio spi in a branch, but I am kind of confused. It compiles, but no data is received for the large chunks, meaning the new pio code I added isn't quite right:
December 22, 2023, 19:53

Raspberry Pi 3 Camera module not working anymore on bullseye (used to work on buster)

Hello, Is someone aware of an issue targeting this model of camera ? An article seems to indicate a compatibility issue but it sounds strange How can I diagnose this compability issue ? I have:
% libcamera-hello
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
Made X/EGL preview window
[0:01:57.813732765] [1621]  INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:297 libcamera v0.0.5+83-bde9b04f
ERROR:  no cameras available 
dmesg |grep -i imx
dmesg |grep -i camera
Doesn't return anything.
December 22, 2023, 19:20

DHT11 on Rust: Timeout Error

I've been trying to use a DHT11 temperature sensor with rppal. My code is the following:
fn main() {
    let mut pin = Gpio::new().unwrap().get(18).unwrap().into_io(Mode::Output);
    let mut led = Gpio::new().unwrap().get(17).unwrap().into_output();
    let mut sensor = Dht11::new(pin);
    for _ in 0..10 {
        let measurement = sensor.perform_measurement(&mut Delay::new());
        println!("{:?}", measurement);
but measurement keeps being set to Err(Timeout). I have tried using different IO modes and using different libraries too. This crate is dht11, but I have also tried dht-sensor and simple-dht11, to no avail. I also haven't managed to get a measurement with a different language, Python kept crashing in the venv because it couldn't detect the environment. I connected the VCC to the 3.3V supply, the ground to GND and the data line to GPIO 18. I'm pretty confident it's correctly connected cause I have an LED on my DHT11 that lights up, but I cannot make any measurements whatsoever.
December 22, 2023, 17:42

not booting; flashing error code

i bought a "raspberry pi model b+ v1.2" from ebay, and on attempting to boot it seems to be flashing an error code that i haven't been able to identify by googling. i've attached a video; it looks like three short flashes, one long flash, two short dim flashes, and one long flash. even if that's just a three-short-one-long that's consistently repeating poorly for some reason, that combination didn't seem to be listed. does anyone know what this means?
December 22, 2023, 17:33

Is it possible to make Raspberry Pi 5 portable?

So, I have a Raspberry 5 8gb RAM I am getting in 2 days for Christmas. I was wondering something.(This is a question for people who already own the product by the way.) Is there some way so far that we can make the Raspberry Pi 5 portable? Has anyone done it so far? Is anyone planning on doing it? If so what would I need to buy, gather, or pre-order? Is it even possible? If it’s possible what would be the minimum mAh I would need in a Lithium Ion Battery)
December 22, 2023, 11:10

[SOLVED] rpi connected to network but can’t be reached

Hi, I have my RPI on my local network with a local IP, I can ping from the pi but can’t ping the pi from other devices. The pi is running nginx and moonraker for 3d printing. What could be the issue?
December 22, 2023, 07:32

on screen keybored not working fixed

i install it like alot of videos say how to doit but mine dont like likes there and dont work like a on screen keybored
December 22, 2023, 06:17

LED breaks code?

So i have the code below, and it is giving out errors, which are below, i don't know what to do sorry i am new, it is suppost to be like the csgo bomb, it all worked before i tried to implement the LED and it is the right pin i know that, so is anyone able to help Code:
December 22, 2023, 00:56

can raspberry pi cam v2 give video output of fullhd (1920x1080) to octoprint?

title. if yes, do i just change the camera resolution after i ssh into my pi? cause when i tried changing it to that res, it all laged and had to do fresh install. but lower resolution worked.
December 21, 2023, 23:34

pip install packages beginner help

I’m having these errors while trying to pip install ws281x led packages.
December 21, 2023, 20:02

Pi400 hotspot issues

Trying to setup pi400 as access point. using bookworm and no hostapd. Trying to see if somebody has done this recently and can give me some pointers.