December 16, 2023, 08:30

Raspberry Pi 5 Cluster

I'm making a raspberry pi 5 cluster until I realised there is no available rpi 5 cluster cases and I don't have access to work's 3d printer until after christmas. Would a rpi 5 in a rpi 4 open case fit?
December 15, 2023, 23:50

Screen Mirroring - Windows Not Duplicating

I've got a Raspberry Pi 4B and two monitors. In the Screen Layout Editor, I have both monitors set to the same resolution and overlaid on top of each other. The mouse, desktop background, and desktop icons are all mirroring properly across both monitors. However, any windows open on my primary monitor (chromium, system settings, etc.) don't show on the secondary monitor unless the window is dragged around with the mouse. If dragging a window, it appears on both monitors. When the dragging stops, the window disappears on the secondary monitor. I've looked through a bunch of forum posts, but no one seems to have this kind of problem. Any advice on how to proceed?
December 15, 2023, 23:37

I purchased a pi 5 8GB. Looking to go to Arcade 15khz monitor

I know there are several options for previous pi models and the 5 is pretty new. In a few months after I am done with the woodworking on my arcade cabinet, I am looking to use the p5. I am not seeing some of the options for 15khz say they are compabitble with the pi 5. I also would like know what what the best USB encoders might be to get my controls working and coin mechs to register with MAME. Looking for suggestions.
December 15, 2023, 20:19

waveshare white screen rpi zero w w

(I did research but really struggling right now as I've tried different solutions and no luck + I'm a noob) I purchased this screen and buttons for my Raspberry pi zero 2 w: The problem I have is that the screen is always white. I sometimes have to jiggle it a little to get it to turn on, I have to use headers as they aren't soldered to the board. I know the documention is a tad outdated because their demo script is in python2. But the demo for both c and python just show a white screen. I have tried many different OS' of different versions of PiOS, including a 2019 version of raspian (which doesn't even boot on the zero 2 w, it just displays the rainbow screen and does nothing). All I want to do is get the demo working so I can at very least try the rest of the documentation and get the desktop showing on the mini display. I contacted waveshares support who told me to use bullseye version of raspbian, I did just that and I got the same result, they also copy and pasted some bits of the guide ok the wiki including instructions on how to I stall python 2, despite me telling them the board and using after they asked me. Any advice?
December 15, 2023, 19:51

My screen stays stuck on boot screen

is the usb from my laptop enough to fully power it?
December 15, 2023, 12:32

Help choosing the right Pi!

Hi all šŸ‘‹ I'm looking to get started with Home Assistant! I've done a bit of research and I think I know what I want, but I'm seeing a lot of conflicting posts online around the do's and don'ts, so I was hoping to get some opinions on what to buy to get started šŸ˜Š I'd like to take the Raspberry Pi route, as I like the DIY aspect of it, but this is possibly the area that confuses me the most. If I were to purchase a Pi 4 Model B - - Is there a notable performance benefit to the 8GB version over the 4GB version? - Is it actually a bad idea to use an SD card? Or will I be better off purchasing an SSD? - Is it worthwhile adding a fan? - Are kits worth buying, or is it just as good to buy everything individually? Sorry if any of these questions are stupid, just wanting to make sure I get off to the best start!! Thank you!! šŸ˜„
December 14, 2023, 23:11

Is it possible to host Open Media Vault, PiVPN, and PiHole on a Raspberry Pi 4?

I currently have a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB of RAM and I was wondering if it was possible to host all 3 of these on a single pi. If so, will it require Docker? What are the steps on doing this? Is there a specific order I need to go in?
December 14, 2023, 21:29

openvpn on rpi

N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-arm64/Packages' as repository 'http : // as-repository bookworm InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'arm64' N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-armhf/Packages' as repository 'http: // bookworm InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'armhf'
December 14, 2023, 21:02

SSH access denied on Zero 2 W

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I used raspberry pi image to create a pi user with the password 'raspberry' and all I get is an access denied message. Tried adding a userconf.txt file with "pi:raspberry" on the sd card and it's the same. I've never been able to SSH into this thing...what am I screwing up?
December 14, 2023, 21:02

Is my RPi4B dead?

When powered, the red LED stays lit, the green LED blinks very briefly when I give it power. Then nothing. I have tried flashing the eeprom with different SD cards using the PI Imager to make them, still no cigar. I have a multimeter, is there a test I can do to see if it's fully toast and a Ā£45 paperweight with a red led on it? Thanks guys.
December 14, 2023, 20:01

Trouble with wireless connection Raspberry Pi3

I am trying to setup a raspberry pi for my 3d printer but i am having trouble setting up a network connection. Whenever I plug in ethernet it works fine but I am trying to make it wireless. I am using the lite version of the operating system. When I imaged my pi I made sure to use the correct network info. Every time I sudo ping it does not work. How should I troubleshoot my way into fixing this.
December 14, 2023, 19:12

setting up pi hole

ok I have pi 4, how do I set it's static IP to set up my pi hole. I'm pretty stupid in this area so bare with me
December 14, 2023, 17:36

ways to have code in PI work at school. Please help

Ok, so quick run down; I have code in my laptop that will take in audio and detect city names, then it will send the city names to the Raspberry Pi, get the weather info about the city, and then send it back to my laptop to a TTS. Issue is, i would LIKE to take this final project to school, but, there are some issues. The code works at home when both the laptop and Pi are connected to the same wifi network, so i thought about using my phone as a hotspot, but, it took a while for the Pi to connect to it, and, id need to change the IPs in the code to fit the new IPs when connected to the hotspot. I could change the code at home whule connected to the hotspot, but, then, another issue is, the fact that at school i dont have a monitor, keyboard or mouse to check the PI. While i have an internal file script that runs the Pi code when it connects to a wifi, i wont fully know if the Pi connects to the hotspot mainly due to having issues when trying to connect here at home to the hotspot. If anyone has any solutions, please let me know asap
December 14, 2023, 09:58

ntopng not installable

this is the error i keep getting, i followed their instructions on their website
December 13, 2023, 17:50

difference between dev kit boards and regular boards

Hi all, as the title suggests Iā€™m looking to find out the difference between a dev kit board and itā€™s ā€œnormalā€ counterpart, specifically this one: (Iā€™m looking to just use an analogue thumb joystick with it coded to send up, down, left, right signals to a PC - would this be suitable?) Thanks.
December 12, 2023, 23:10

Connect Pi 3 to iPad

Is it possible to connect my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2 to my iPad 8th Generation? I would like to use my iPad as a screen for my raspberry Pi so I can learn coding and Iā€™d like to use my magic keyboard to type into the raspberry Pi. From my research Iā€™ve found its possible to connect an iPad with a USB-C port, but iā€™ve got a lightning port and havenā€™t found a way to connect my Pi in a way that will let me use it how I would like to. Help with this would be greatly appreciated, my Pi is already set up with an operating system installed so I'm just struggling to work out how to connect it to my iPad.
December 12, 2023, 01:32

Using a pi4/cm4 as the heart of a DAP, questions about some parts of the pi part of it

The basic project scope of this is to make a DAP (digital audio player), where I have a power bank of some sort that powers a cm4 and a DAC/amp for semi-portable HiFi audio. All of my questions will be posted outside of this main post so they can be individually replied to, anything past this can be considered unnecessary but gives some insight into why I have the questions I do. Background I like good audio stuff, I don't like the way a lot of products are designed. Most DAPs are made to be used like a phone but are pretty huge and run on versions of android that often lose support from any of the decent streaming services just a year or two after release and are a pain to take apart to replace the battery when that's a problem. Most DAC/amps either have the same battery issue; are made to draw power from the host device over USB (rarely pd), leading them to cause additional battery drain and have relatively low power output; or are made to be used as desktop units and throw any concern of size out the window. My experience with RPI is pretty limited but I have done some involved electronics projects before, just based around different control methods. Plan My solution to this is to have a battery pack, most likely going to run off of 21700s and incorporate the power management and safe shutoff stuff in it, that powers a raspberry pi with external storage like a naspi cm4 type deal, into a portable DAC/amp that's had it's battery removed to run solely on external power also from the bank as the pi doesn't want to feed very much power. This stack while it would be very high quality output runs into an issue similar to DAPs here, it's not small. So I want to make the screen element to control what's playing separate from the rest of the audio stack so the stack can just be in a backpack or something, ideally wirelessly (but not using Internet protocols like ssh to avoid needing a router), to control what's playing and all the navigation.
December 11, 2023, 22:38

node doesnt work

December 11, 2023, 18:27

Additional 5v stuff

Hi! I have a Raspberry 3b with a 7 tft that runs off the 5v pin and I need to run a 5v fan, can i just split the 5v or do i need to do something more?
December 11, 2023, 17:27

raspi requires ctrl+alt+f1 and startx to boot to desktop every reboot.

What do you want with composite? Do you have an old tube monitor?
December 11, 2023, 13:54

Need help for project of using a raspberry for a robotic project with optical character recognition

So the project is to create a robot that can navigate through a maze, with symbols like letters or colored squares on the walls that indicates actions for the robot to do. I need 2 cameras for this, one at the right and the other at the left, but I don't know how to do letter recognition with 2 camera on the same raspberry at the same time. I even never used a raspberry before so I don't know if it is doable. It would be nice if the raspberry can handle the movement of the robot, the 2 cameras and 2 other sensors like a lidar and a IR sensor.
December 11, 2023, 12:00


I want to buy rasperry zero 2W to work in Tinyml. But I have no idea in this field. How should I start?
December 11, 2023, 02:02

setting up a display screen

Hello, iv recently taken apart a old Samsung display screen and was wondering how I can connect it to my pi 4 b model ? Cheers
December 10, 2023, 17:25

Home Assistant Server not connecting to my Web Browser

Hi! I installed Home Assistant OS on my Raspberry Pi 3B, but it won't seem to connect when I type the URL in my Web Browser. It shows the URL and IP on the Raspberry Pi, but when I tried putting them in my web browser it didn't work. Is there anyone knowledgable of Home Assistant here that can help me?
December 9, 2023, 23:14

real time audio analysis

hi folks, i wonder if there is a breakout board that can extract audio features such as pitch, and softness from a 2.5 audio jack analog source?
December 9, 2023, 10:51

Remote controll my RC car using rasp pi

Hey, i would like to know how i can use my RC with a module using rasp pi. I want to make an application where i can use it with hand signs using a web cam. Tho i don't know which module to use. It uses 2.4ghz signals iirc.
December 9, 2023, 07:31

Storage Problem

Hi, i habe an pi with 32GB card. It seams to be full. I googled for my problem but couldnt find an solution or a case that matches mine.
December 9, 2023, 19:09

Raspberry Pi wonā€™t connect to hotspot because of heat

Hi I'm right now taking part to a robotics competition (Robocup Korea) and I'm using a Raspberry Pi 4 to execute a python script. It was working perfectly and everything until, 30 minutes before my match, the Raspberry starts heating a lot and I decided to unpower it to let it refresh. The problem is that I'm using SSH and normally the Raspberry is configured to connect to a hotspot. When I powered the Raspberry back, it heated super fast. And it would not connect to the hotspot so I couldn't SSH and we lost the match. Please can someone help me I really need to fix this before 12H ? Ps : Raspberry Pi 4, no lite mode, both lights on when powered
December 9, 2023, 16:21

Is there a way to get MongoDB 7.0 on a Pi 5?

Hi! I've been actively trying to find a way to be able to install MongoDB 7.0 with no success so far. MongoDB's platform support: Pi 5 has an arm64 architecture and is based on Debian 12 (bookworm). - The platform support mentions Debian 12 only for x86_64. - Latest platforms supported for arm64 for are: macOS13, RHEL/CentOS/Rocky/Alma 9, Ubuntu 22.04. The main problem is that none of these are supported yet for the Pi 5 and only ubuntu 23.10 is supported. I quote: "We have no plans to backport Pi 5 support to 22.04 LTS." Rocky 9 also seems promising, but has the same issue currently: Does anyone have any ideas?
December 9, 2023, 07:22

Pi 400 Wonā€™t install Git command

I am currently using Pi OS Lite 32 Bit, and whenever I try to run ā€œSudo apt install gitā€ it will give four errors, three of which go somewhere along the lines of ā€œFailed to fetch http : //<insert the rest of the link here>ā€ and then the fourth one will say ā€œunable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try ā€”fix-missing?ā€