December 9, 2023, 18:58

can't empty the trash on headless pi?

i have no folder called Trash inside ~/.local/share. is the trash automatically deleted on Raspbian OS Lite, or is the trash folder located somewhere else?
December 9, 2023, 19:00

Controlling xRDP with wireless keyboard

Hey there. I bought a chinesium keyboard & trackpad combo, which comes with it's own tiny USB receiver. It works just fine while using it connected to HDMI. The problem is that I want to use it while using my phone as a screen thru xRDP, and use the keyboard to control the Pi. I have yet to find a way to make this happen. As far as I understand, every rdp/vnc session is a different "display" and I would somehow need to make either the keyboard apply to ALL screens, or make it so that I always connect to the main :0 screen. Any ideas?
December 9, 2023, 18:55

Windows Problems

Hey! First of all, i do know, that this is a Raspberry Pi server. But I do need some help with my Windows 10 Laptop! So I bought a Win11 Laptop, but I didn't want Win11, so i installed win10. But when I am trying to open the microsoft store, it does not work properly. When i open it up, the Feed will be shown as normal, but when I click on a App, to download it, i get the error "0X00000005". I've been trying to fix it, using the wsreset cmd, but it still doesn't work. When i try to open the tab, where I could see my downloads, I get an error that says something like "Unknown Layout specified in mainfest". It would be nice if anyone could help me out with this, even though this is a Raspberry Pi Community!

December 9, 2023, 19:02

Raspberry Pi 4 Performance Issues: Slowdowns and Freezes, Motion Detection Software

Hello 👋 I am using a Pi 4 4GB , Pi Camera V2, powered through a standard electrical outlet, running the Bullseye 64-bit image to implement motion detection software using Code::Blocks, OpenCV, C++ and GStreamer. However, the Raspberry Pi is extremely slow, suffering from delays and freezes. It becomes challenging to implement the motion detection software and add features, especially since the camera freezes as well. Overclocking is currently not an option and it even seems i dont have the option under settings. It wont let me overclock at all. <:confusedblob:1053364681575776276> I access the Pi through VNC, and I'm not sure if the performance issues are related to that, as I don't encounter any problems when working on my job tasks via VMWare. What could I do, and what might be the problem?
December 9, 2023, 18:54

Pi 5 Low Power - Anker 747 Charger (GaNPrime 150W)

I'm getting a message that the Anker 747 Charger (GaNPrime 150W) is not able to provide 5V 5A power. Anyone else have this issue? Is there a recommended power supply that can power multiple (3+) Raspberry Pi 5's?
December 9, 2023, 18:54

Pi 5 USB Boot is clunky

Flashing USB Boot SD card does nothing and it still boots from SD Card, remove the SD Card with only USB and the Pi idles, going into raspi-config on the sd card setting Boot Order to usb and then rebooting finally boots to the USB, if I reboot, it still boots into the usb and works flawlessly but the moment I shut it down and start it again, it will start to boot into the SD Card or idle without it.... Latest raspi-config and bootloader and checked wtih 2 usb drives, even USB 2.0, used rpi imager and official img, balena etcher, ubuntu server and raspbian, is anybody else having this issue or is it just that I am dumb?
December 9, 2023, 18:54

new to linux and pi, trying to flip my display (not rotate or invert) please help ;-;

I'm using a pi4 to drive a media installation where the image of the monitor is meant to reflect off of a pane of glass, this means that the display is inherently flipped (vertical orientation is correct but text is backwards). As far as I can tell, the orientation settings in preferences include "left, right, normal, inverted," none of which are what I'm looking for. It also seems that any attempts to add "rotate_display=0x10000" to the /boot/config.txt have no effect after saving and rebooting. I'm thoroughly stumped and could use some assistance.
December 9, 2023, 18:42

micro sd doesnt read on rpi4cm/io board

I hVe a micro sd card that when i inserted it too the tf slot nothing happens i have to use it via usb but doesnt work properly
December 9, 2023, 18:52

Pi zero / 5 inch screen help

Would anyone know how to set this touchscreen i recently ordered up? When i boot it on with my pi zero it shows the start up screen just fine but then it just shows a fading in and out white screen after that. The screen works fine with my laptop so im just confused why it only shows the start up screen with the pi zero.

December 9, 2023, 18:52

connecting pi 3 to portable tube tv

I got this tv id like to use as a display for my rbp 3 type c, would that be possible with adapters?

December 9, 2023, 18:49

Having trouble building C++ on Windows

Hello, Somewhat new here to Raspberry Pi, but I have several years of C++ experience. I'm on Windows and used the official installer that setup up VS Code for the Pico. A quick question: VS Code seems to have problems with the Debug Probe. I got it to debug my program once. But then it threw out some error about hardware breakpoints and now every time I try and launch the debugger I get a OpenOCD quit unexpectedly error. The console shows these errors:
Error: could not get configuration descriptor 0 for device 0x1b1c:0x0c32: Input/Output Error
Warn : could not read product string for device 0x2e8a:0x000c: Operation timed out
Error: unable to find a matching CMSIS-DAP device
It almost feels like these Raspberry Pi devices were developed with only Linux in mind. Wondering if I should use WSL or just switch to a Linux machine. Thoughts? Thanks, Blake
December 9, 2023, 18:51

need help setting up raspberry pi as arduino HDMI shield

I'm following this guide ( https://codeandlife.com/2012/12/27/raspberry-pi-as-arduino-hdmi-shield/ ) to setup up a raspberry Pi Zero W as a hdmi shield so that I can display text on the screen and change characters on the screen. I have the arduino setup, I have the Pi zero booted and connectec to the internet. I think i have pyserial installed. I tried to install pygame and it gave me an error.
December 9, 2023, 18:51

Running .jar

I’ve tried to install openjre and make the file executable to with no luck. It’s as if openjre does not install and does not show as an option as a program to open the file with. Anyone able to help me be able to run .jar programs on Linux on my rpi4
December 9, 2023, 18:48

How to control when RPI camera IR Leds are powered

I've just setup this night vision camera with my RPI https://thepihut.com/products/raspberry-pi-night-vision-camera But I have an issue that whenever the raspberry PI is powered, so are the LEDs, this leads to them heating up when the camera is not actually in use (the PI is used for a home hub as well as camera) While this heat may not matter much, I would feel better if I could control them, and only have them on when I want to use the camera. Is there any software method for disabling power to the camera until I need to use it? Or any other software method around this? If no, what would be the simplest hardware method for limiting camera to the power when I'm not using it? (I'm much better at software than hardware) Thanks!
December 9, 2023, 18:49

Can't Set Up Static IP on 4 Model B

does anyone know why I can't set a static ip on my raspberry pi 4B? I'm runnig bookworm and using LITE so no gui /etc/dhcpcd.conf: interface eth0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers= /boot/cmdline.txt: console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=a54f8212-02 rootfstype=ext4 fsck.repair=yes rootwait net.ifnames=0
December 9, 2023, 18:35

USB TYPE A onto raspberry pico

I want to add a usb type A onto my Raspberry pi pico W. I thought about just soldering the usb type A connector onto the board and then connecting the correct pins with wires. But im not sure if that is the best way. Also, what are the correct pins XD? I don't have a D+ or D- so is it even possible to do so? yes I am a newbie 🙂

December 9, 2023, 18:53

pi doesnt boot to os when gpio screen connected

First time setting up a pi, when using vnc, ive had no trouble booting to and navigating the OS, however after following the waveshare guide for installing their display drivers, its able to show some of the boot junk, but eventually just turns and stays black. Completely inexperienced with this stuff and haven't been able to find the same issue online
December 9, 2023, 18:46

LCD 3.5 Screen Kali linux raspberry pi4

i need help setting it up
December 9, 2023, 18:37

identifying parts used in this build

I'm having trouble identifying which pi model this is, also what type of screen would something like this be?
December 9, 2023, 18:46

PI 4 runs 24/7

Hi, do you think it's a problem for the Raspberry PI 4B / (I think 4GB ram) to run 24/7? I run a python script on it that also runs 24/7, (but mainly for timers to wait, so it only really executes an active thing about every 2-3 hours (which takes about 5 minutes) and at night it just waits (again with a timer) for about 8 hours. Theoretically, the PI has to work continuously because the timer/countdown is running. I have no cooling. I have PI 4 case (plastic) and the normal/official PI power supply.
December 9, 2023, 19:05

raspberry pi os on a pc made for xp

Hi I,m trying to install raspberry pi os on a pc made for xp. It’s an intel celeron 06 440 SL9XL cpu and I’m pretty sure it is 64 bit . Hard drive wiped. I only have a micro sd card and usb converter for it any help
December 9, 2023, 18:46

RGB led raspberry pi 4 on base hat

Hello, I'm a student in computer science and we got a project on a raspberry pi. My group and I decided to do a connected lamp so we asked for RGB led and they gave us 2 chainable rgb led v2.0. but from what we looked it work with grovepi but we don't have it. I don't know how to make the RGB led change color or even turn off and the teacher doesn't help us. I tried to use the code of the grovepi but we don't have the di_i2c library which is used everywhere in the code. The other RGB led works on a white board and 4pin so it doesn't help. I'm totally new and don't know what to do, so if there is someone that would be willing to help, I'll be grateful.
December 9, 2023, 19:04

pip install error

December 9, 2023, 18:34

SSH over different wifi

if I'm on a different network is there a way to still ssh into my pi?
December 9, 2023, 18:44

Looking for a 64bit display driver for this HAT

Bought this HAT kit for my RPI Zero 2 W ( https://spotpear.com/index/product/detail/id/721/no/666.html ), included documentation only links to a 32bit display driver ( https://spotpear.com/index/study/detail/id/631.html ). I need to run a 64bit OS on this machine, and I was wondering how I would go about finding another compatible display driver for this device.
December 9, 2023, 18:44

How to connect a webcam to raspberry Pi desktop os and how to use it in open cv, projects etc

i am running raspberry pi desktop os on a old computer hardware and i want to make a program which recognizes faces any help
December 9, 2023, 18:37

I'm new to Linux. I downloaded Arduino today, but the port part does not open.

I am making a new project and I cannot upload this project to Arduino because the port part is closed.
December 9, 2023, 18:43

battery psu for pi 5

hi im looking for a portable psu/ups that will work with a new pi 5 (5.1v at 3A). needs to be small as it will be put on a robot. i was hoping for charge through power.
December 9, 2023, 18:45

Is there a SIM card adapter for rpi to make calls?

Hey guys, I need help, I’m making an android tablet with an rpi and I want to know if there is a SIM card adapter that will let me make calls whilst running android
December 9, 2023, 18:31

how do I connect a battery to the rpi 4b without using usbc?

Is there any other way than usIng a ups?