December 9, 2023, 18:34

Can't get the USB-C port to work as OTG

Hi, I am working on a project that needs to use USB C port as OTG. I bought a power hat (X735 v3) to power the RPi4. I am using Raspbian Bullseye. I added “dtoverlay=dwc2” to config.txt, “dwc2” to /etc/modules, and used “sudo modprobe dwc2”. Dmesg says: [ 3.806204] dwc2 fe980000.usb: supply vusb_d not found, using dummy regulator [ 3.806633] dwc2 fe980000.usb: supply vusb_a not found, using dummy regulator [ 4.013582] dwc2 fe980000.usb: EPs: 8, dedicated fifos, 4080 entries in SPRAM [ 4.014016] dwc2 fe980000.usb: DWC OTG Controller [ 4.014052] dwc2 fe980000.usb: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3 [ 4.014112] dwc2 fe980000.usb: irq 38, io mem 0xfe980000 [ 4.014966] usb usb3: Manufacturer: Linux 6.1.21-v8+ dwc2_hsotg however, dmesg-w doesn’t show anything when I try to connect something to the port (phone, USB stick). What should I do? Could this be a hardware issue?
December 9, 2023, 18:27

Pi 4 - Pytorch - Segmentation Fault

Hi there, I built a machine learning model that detects licenses plates. Everything is working fine on my main laptop machine, but as soon as I try runningit on the PI and try passing the tensor into the first convolutional layer I get a "Segmentation Fault" error. Happy to provide any information that wil help debug this!
December 9, 2023, 18:28

Smart Colector Robot

I am currently making a robot with raspberry pi. Things are going well. But I got two problems recently... The bot has an AI that takes photos and recognizes objects, it also has a robotic arm. I tested these features outside the Pi and they are working. I used the AI in my PC and controlled the arm with an arduino. But in the rasp I am getting these problems: 1- I am trying to connect my Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W to a USB Webcam. I tried to use the fswebcam pack to control the webcam, but it doesn't have the pallet that my webcam has. YU12. What can I do instead? 2- My python code is returning GPIO Busy error even with the system rebooted. What could be making it happen? How can I solve this? Can someone help me solve these problems?
December 9, 2023, 18:30

raspi alexa

this isn't entirely to do with the pi because I don't really need help with that. im just wanting to make a Alexa replacement (like everyone else) but it needs all the features and more
December 9, 2023, 18:26

livestream and motion detection?

Hello, so I have a question and need a little help/ inspiration please. 🙏 Can I livestream and perform motion detection at the same time on the Raspberry Pi 4? My plan is to use a Raspberry Pi 4 with the Pi camera to send a livestream to an app and also run a program that detects motion, recognizes it, and provides the appropriate output. For example when the cat moves I get a message „hey cat is moving“ idk. However, I've encountered some difficulties. After researching extensively, I came across a post where someone mentioned that it might not be possible because these are two separate programs. Live-streaming and motion detection. Thought I could do all in one but doesn’t seem like that. Now, I have another idea. Can I send my livestream to an online server (idk which one would be the best yet) and run my motion detection program over the server? or should I continue trying to handle everything on the Raspberry Pi alone? What would be the best practice in this case? I‘m so overwhelmed with these. It’s my first raspberry pi project and I thought I can handle it with tutorials and docs but most of them are already out of date 🥲👋 Thanks in advance! 🙏💯
December 9, 2023, 18:26

First Raspberry Pi

Hi y'all, I'm currently wanting to have my own Minecraft server running off of a Raspberry Pi but I'm not sure what board, components or cases I might need. Does anyone have any recommendations for what I might need?
December 9, 2023, 18:25

Which Raspberry Pi (board + camera) for Image Processing Project

Hello! I am currently a university student and have a project in mind that is based on image processing/CNN model. I have looked a bit online to see which board and camera I should use. I think for the camera I will just get the raspberry pi camera v2 but I still haven't decided which board I should use. I think I will need to get a MicroSD card as well if the model turns to be too big. I will also need to connect a gas sensor on the board later on in the project. My budget is around 200 pounds for all the components but could potentially go a bit higher Does anyone have any ideas on which board would be better in my case? Thank you in advance! Have a nice week
December 9, 2023, 18:27

Pi 5 Order

I ordered my pi 5 almost a month ago and it seems like everyone else already has one. Why???
December 9, 2023, 18:25

Raspberry Pi 4 components

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 and want to connect the following components together. Is it possible to use all of these components simultaneously, and what do I need for that? Can someone please help me? a. Adafruit Ultimate GPS b. MPU-9250 c. BME280 d. Adafruit 16 Channel Servo e. Raspberry Pi 3G/4G & LTE Base HAT
December 9, 2023, 18:46


I'd like to get my Pi2 LAN up and running. I have zero experience with networking and raspberry pi's. Right now I have four RIP2's plugged into an unmanaged dell 2848 powerconnect switch. I would like to be able to transfer files between them. Where do I start? The Pi's have all been updated and are running rasperian.
December 9, 2023, 18:28

Current draw 0.5-1 A. dc motor. 5v power source. proFET

Ok so I have a DC motor with a 3.7V battery which draws 0.5 A on normal load. Turning two rotor blades. It is from an old hover robot toy. I have this https://www.infineon.com/dgdl/Infineon-BTS410E2-DS-v01_01-en.pdf?fileId=db3a304331c8f8560131dcc9fc520e21 That I use for switching. It requires 4.7V from the main power supply to operate. So I have replaced the battery with my own batteries. I have run it with 6 and 9 V batteries. On different occasions of course. I switch it using one of the 3v3 gpio pins on the rpi4, gpio24. Works perfectly. My question is this, would one of the 5V pins be able to support the current draw of the motor? I could try it I guess because I think the flywheel diode or some of the other protective features would protect the pie but I thought I could ask first just in case. I was told that it wouldn't be able to support the current draw. My assumption is that if it can't it would result in a V-drop, making the FET inoperable. I have seen people using transistors with 3v3 pins where they used I=0.016A to calculate R to not damage the pin, but is that the hard limit for A both in and out on all pins? Any way, again, could the 5V output support approx 0.5-1 A draw, when being hooked up via the FET in the link?
December 9, 2023, 18:23

temp & moisture

Hey guys, I’m a bedroom dj and building a little man cave. As it will be outside I want to be able to measure my temp and moisture but also for it to be able to alert me in some way. Like a website, email, message ect I’m currently wondering what scrip id need to run to make this work and what id need? Idk if this helps but i have a raspberry pi 4 or arduino
December 9, 2023, 18:23

TikTokLive + OBS + ChatGPT

I am using an rpi to make an Amazon alexa, seems like a pretty common project. That's all done, it works well. But during the process I had an idea. There is a TikTokLive Library, that you can use to scrape comments from tiktok. I have successfully been able to scrape comments from tiktok, send them to chatgpt, and get a response. There is a tool called the "OBS websocket" that you can use to control OBS remotely, or with python from what I can tell. I would like to flash the chatgpt response on OBS so I can live stream to tiktok and have live viewers interact with GPT with their comments. Hoping to do the same thing with Dall E Api's
December 9, 2023, 18:21

RPi sd card

Just bought this, but when I opened the RPi software on my laptop it said it didn’t see any storage I could use. I know this comes with an operating system, but doesn’t it also have storage? Does the sd card need to be plugged in to my pc and not my pi? Please help.
December 9, 2023, 18:22

Connect OLED(SSD1306)

Hello There! I Want To Connect Raspbarry Pi Pico To OLED(SSD1306), But I Have A Problem. I Used This https://www.hackster.io/diyprojectslab/how-to-use-an-oled-display-with-raspberry-pi-pico-d9d9cb BreadBoard Setup And Codes But When I Run The "main.py" code, VS Code Terminal Show Me This Error : File "<stdin>", line 6, in <module> File "ssd1306.py", line 110, in __init__ File "ssd1306.py", line 36, in __init__ File "ssd1306.py", line 71, in init_display File "ssd1306.py", line 115, in write_cmd OSError: [Errno 5] EIO And My main.py And ssd1306.py code is in the site i said on up here. Please Help Me!:rpi:
December 9, 2023, 18:17

Pi Zero W headless setup with Raspberry Pi Lite Bookworm

I have this setup: 1. Debian Linux laptop / Windows 11 PC 2. Raspberry Pi Zero W 3. OTG cable I'm trying to set it up to work in headless mode (will run Docker on it with Pi-Hole, and probably some other minimal container that doesn't use many resources). I use RPi Imager from my Debian Linux laptop to burn the image to the SD card, by following the first 3 steps here (latest image of course, not what is there), and add an ssh file as well, on top of those instructions: https://www.ctrl-alt-del.cc/2020/01/mikrotik-pi-zero-pi-hole-advertising.html Step 4 for Debian Bookworm does not work. Using ssh [email protected] I get ssh: Could not resolve hostname raspberrypi.local: No such host is known. These steps do work for Bullseye, so a breaking change seems to have happened somewhere.
December 9, 2023, 18:18

RFID Module with 20 to 30 cm range

Hey guys and girls, I am working on my first real PI project. I already contributed in a robot project with ROS, but now I wanna do something from scratch. To break it down I need a mechanism to scan a RFID chip from a cats collar and open a lock on a successful scan. So much for the context now the problem. Since I am not an engineer and only do software development with very little interaction on the physical level with such technology I don't know how to find the right modules to fulfil my requirements. I bought a cheep NFC module PN532 in hope to make a first sample and implement the logic and test around. Since the range of this module is around 5 cm if you are lucky I would need something with a higher range, since this is meant to allow access to a cat it should probably be somewhere between 20 - 30 cm. I don't know what prices to expect, but let's try to stay "cheep".
December 9, 2023, 18:17

Automatic start of a Minecraft server

Hello, I have created a Minecraft server on my Raspberry Pi. Now I want the Minecraft server to start automatically after starting the Raspberry Pi. How can I do it?
December 9, 2023, 18:16

HELP cant connect wifi to my pi zero wh

im trying to install kali linux but headless but i cant connect to my wifi and idk how i can fix that any help?
December 9, 2023, 18:18

solid green and red light pi 4 4Gb not posting

Got some raspberry pi 4’s to start a pi cluster but I am getting no desktop environment or the pi booting any ideas on how to fix it?
December 9, 2023, 18:15

audio hat & display on gpio simultaneously

Trying to connect an audio hat & lcd touchdisplay to gpio pins and i'm getting issues. - The display: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/3.5inch_DPI_LCD - The audio hat: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/WM8960_Audio_HAT When i connect one or the other they work fine, however when both drivers are installed, and both devices are connected i get no display. I still get display throught microhdmi port just not to the display powered off the gpio pins. The audio hat connects to the pins on pi, and the display sits on pins that are on top of the audio hat. Looking like i might have to get a different display, but maybe not if you guys can help.
December 26, 2023, 22:28

where can i find the range of what my static ip can be

kinda confused, some ppl put in anything, some others say it has to be within a range? thank you for answers
December 9, 2023, 18:14

rpi zero and 2.8 screen

Any drivers for that? When i connect that to pi zero the screen is white

December 9, 2023, 18:19

Welcome to... then Black Screen. RP4, status lights okay, config changes to no avail

Hi all. I'm trying to set up a RP4 but no matter what I do I can't get it to finish booting. My red status light is solid red and I've tried two different power supplies so I'm convinced it's not the PS. The green LED also flashes randomly, no pattern visible, so unless it's 1/2 flashes which I can't tell, I think the green LED is fine. After the welcome screen, the screen will go black and eventually the green light starts to die down (flashing very little to possibly even stopping). In addition my monitor makes noises which make it seem like somethings trying to connect, but nothing happens. I've googled quite a bit since I've encountered it yesterday, and found several things I could try in config.txt between hdmi_safe, the hotplug, and hdmi mode (which I made sure to turn on separately from hdmi_safe to prevent other settings overriding). None of these worked, however I'm willing to try them again if anyone has any suggestions
December 9, 2023, 18:24

Raspberry Pi Smart Home

Let me ask you a question about this Node Red. I have to install it on the server. But now I have a temperature sensor and it is not connected to the server Pi 4 but to a pi zero. Do I have to install the Node Red also on the Zero?
December 9, 2023, 18:15

Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Rover/Drone Project NEED HELP!!!

yeah it's fine
December 9, 2023, 18:25

Raspi 3B V1.2 as bootloader installer for nrf52840

Good day; i want to use my raspi to install a bootloader on a board with a holyiot 18010 nrf52840 as the controller however im completely inept when it comes to programming, so i dont know what i have to do ive been sent this github link by someone, they dont have the time to walk me through that however, and i dont know what to even do as i have no prior experience with programming a raspi or anything https://github.com/joric/nrfmicro/wiki/Bootloader#flashing-the-nrf52s-bootloader-using-raspberry-pis-gpio-and-openocd i havent used the raspi before for anything, so its just as out of the box as it gets if someone would be willing to walk me through this thatd be nice also, feel free to ping me so i can answer quickly^^
December 9, 2023, 18:11

Samsung 45w 5A Charger with Pi5b?

As the title says, is it possible?
December 9, 2023, 18:11

LCD Code issue Arduino mega (ELEGOO?)

can you post the code and not just take a picture please?
December 9, 2023, 18:12

Turning off/on gpio screen

Hello, i have question how to control and schedule when gpio screen to go off and to go on. I am using Raspberry pi 2b and 3.5 inch gpio screen from aliexpress. I want to do this because to expand screens lifetime.